Promise Ring (part 1)

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Wally punched the Joker making him stumble back. He laughed as he ran back at the speedster.

"Well, your the birds new play thing." He laughed "I see why he's using that other girl. I mean HAHAHAHAHA!" tenced Wally ran at him again punching his stumuck to knock the air out of him. The Joker lay dazied on the floor.  Wally picked him up by his shirt.

"What are you talking about? What girl?" He growled.

"Oh you know pretty red hair, a bit shorter than him, and is now in a wheelchair thanks to yours truly!"

Wally stared at the madman. Dick cheated on him? Wally didn't see the Joker lifting his hand and putting a syringe into his neck. The Joker took out the syringe and Wally fell to the floor. Laughing Joker kicked him over and over again.


Dick put his keys on the window sill as he walked into the 'apartment' he and Wally shared. It was really just a house that they made to hang out in and it became there place to escape. It was basically sacred ground. He just got back from Barbaras house. She was a crying mess about her legs and Dick was going over a lot to comfort her.

He looked at the promise ring on his finger. He sighed happily it was almost Wallys and his two year anniversary of being together.

He opened the curtain a crack.

And saw Wally.

In their bed.

With a girl.

Tears formed in Dick's eyes and fell as he saw the two kissing and touching each other. With a chocked sob he closes the curtain and ran out of the 'apartment'.


"Who was that?" The girl asked giving Wally another kiss.

"My boyfriend." He greedily kissed her back. She pulled away.


"Yes," he smirked "I doesn't matter he cheated first."

The girl looked disgusted. "That doesn't matter! Get off of me you sicko." She got out of bed, dressed herself and walked out the door.


Dick ran to the first person he could think of.

Roy Harper.

Knocking on his apartment door tear fell down the 17 year olds face. He hadn't felt like this since Jason died.

"Dick?" He looked up to see he friend standing in the door way. "What are you doing here? Does Bruce know your braking the restraining order? Oh god Dick he's going to kill me for being saying your name! Wait where's Wally aren't you two inseparable? Didn't I hear you're a thing now? Why are you crying?" Roy held Dick as he sobbed in his arms. Who ever did this to his little brother was going to pay!

"Wa-Wally che-cheated on m-me." He said between breaths.

"What?" He asked his voice lowered with a edge to it.

"I saw him kissing a girl in our special place." Dick cried some more as Roy let him into his home. He went to the kitchion to get some drinks. When he got back he saw Dick staring at a picture of the smiling trio.  Roy flipped the picture on its face and gave Dick his drink.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, do you what to talk about it? Maybe there's some reason Wally was cheating on you?" Roy knew it sounded stupid but he couldn't think of anything else.

"I thought everything was doing great! We made time for each other, we said I love you when ever, we kissed, and-" Dick cut off. "I don't know what I did wrong." He spoke in a small voice.

"Don't go blaming yourself little bird I'm sure you did nothing wrong. Some people just don't understand what they have."

Once Robin claimed down he left to go back to Wayne manor. He walked to his room ignoring Bruce rampage about how he was worried and he should have called. One look from Dick was all it took to let Bruce know why his ward was acting like this.
Bruce left him alone.


Dick's phone buzzed signalling he got another missed call. He's ether  been in his room or on parol for 3 weeks he hasn't eaten anything and only drank enough water to keep him alive.

Dick looked at the phone 109 missed calls. 79 texts. Some were from the team asking what happened and why Wallys been in his lab for weeks on end.

The rest were from Wally. He wanted to know why Dick was ignoring him. The nerve of that boy. After the 20th text and call he sent Wally a small package with the promise ring inside. He didn't want a reminder of what he could never have.

Hi! So this is just part 1! There will be another chapter! This was requsted so I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! I had so much fun writing it!

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