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Wally and Dick were playing truth or dare in Dick's room. Wally so far had to jump out the window, hold a egg in his mouth without it breaking, and he had to make out with a poster of Justin Beaver. (Don't ask)

It was wallys turn and he wanted to know if his crush shared his feelings.

"Truth or Dare,"


"Would you kiss me?" Dick seemed at a loss for words.

"Dare!" Wally smirked leaning in.

"I dare you to kiss me!" Dick was red as he got up Wally followed him and trapped him against the wall. Wally started to lean in as Dick said

"Never have I ever-"

"THAT'S NOT THE GAME!" Wally huffed and sat down. The feeling of  rejection hurt.

Dick walked over and gave Wally a small kiss on the cheek. Wally instantly brightened up.

"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to go out on a date with me tomorrow at seven at Happy Harbour. Find comfortable clothes."

After a few more rounds it was 8  o'clock and Wally had to be home by 8:15.

Dick pushes Wally out of his room and out the ground door. "I don't want to leave! Can't I stay here with you?"


"Why not?" Wally asked faking hurt.

"Because I have parol tonight that will start in half an hour and you have to be home in 15 minutes!"

"I hate when you're so . . . So . . ."

"Stop stalling and get out of my house!"

Wally sighed and walked out of the "house."

"See you tomorrow!" Dick cryed as Wally ran home.

"Tomorrow" Wally sighed as he lay on his bed thinking of His Best Friend and soon Boyfriend.

Hi everyone thank you for reading the. Hope you liked it. Please request!

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