Drastic measures

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The next room he walked into was empty. There was nothing in it and when Robin took two steps the door closed behind him.

"Great. Just great," He looked around the room and found nothing out of the ordinary.
Other than it was EMPTY!

Robin ran his fingers across the walls trying to find something. A rip in the wallpaper, a key, anything! Robin sighed and sat down in the middle of the room. He looked up to where the light shined down on him. Cold air below gently on his face from the vents.



Of course. The air vents could get him out of this room and hopefully the building so he can get home and cuddle with his boyfriend!

Robin tried to reach the vent cover but he fell short. Maybe if he . . . Got it! Robin ran and jumped to wrap his fingers around the vents cover it fell off not supporting his weight. He jumped again climbing into the vents and army crawled to the end of the vent there was groin as the vent duped beneath his weight.

"I only weigh 97lb!"

The vents broke making Robin fall into the new room.

The new room had a plate of cookies and brownies in the center. There was a small camera in the corner of the room when he waved his hand it zoomed in on him.

"What the hell."

Dateing his gaze away from the camera Robin picked up a cookie and examined it. It looked burnt on the bottom and somehow not done on the top. Other than the plate of sweets and camera there was no door or vent to crawl threw. Thinking hard he eyed the glass plate. Who ever is keeping him here most likely won't want there prisoner to die. The best way to meet someone is to need there help. Dumping the sweets to the floor he droped the plate into sharp pieces. Picking up a big one he put it to his wrist.

"Here goes nothing," the blood gushed out of the wound his head began to feel light as he fell to the ground darkness consuming him.

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