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It's no secret that Dick Grayson loved Redheads. Infact he's never dated anyone who dosen't have redhair.
Know one knows what he loves redhair. Not even Dick himself. He just found the color more appealing than others. But no matter the color, he loves playing with hair. Braiding it, brushing it, petting it, most of all he loves picking up strands and letting them drop.

The girls on the YJ team learned this the easy way unlike most people.


Artimis was sitting on the floor playing a videogame against Wally. Robin was watching waiting for his turn when he got the biggest temptation to pull Artimis hair out of the ponytail and do a style he created. It's bacicly a French Braid but you braid it like a Fishtail Braid.

"Hay! What are you doing?!" Artimis yelled slapping Dick's hands away.

"I was going to braid your hair. I thought you would want to change your hair for a bit. I mean you always have the same style.

"That's because I like the style," Artimis glared "Don't touch my hair."

"Well, if you didn't have such long hair you wouldn't need to put it up or worrie about me braiding it."


"Fine, Jesus." Robin held is hands up in surrender.

A little bit later Artimis leans her head on Robins lap. "You can play with my hair again." Robin just smirked.

Hi, I would like to dedicate this chapter to meeting some one of whom you have a common interest. I dedicate this chapter to a PJO loving Redhead. I hope to see you again.
Please request.

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