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Batman entered the mountain MAD. The team had gotten back from a mission. It hasn't gone so well. Robin was trapped in a room with Scarecrow and Joker. The team had managed to get him to safety but not before he was injected with a unknown substance.

Batman ran to the infirmary to where robin lay in a bed. He looked like a male version of Snow White.

Batman sat down on the bed and watched his son sleep. He gave a small sigh and held Robins hand.

Two days later

Batman was still there he never left. He moved around the room a lot but never left. (And no he never had to go the bathroom.)

"Tati?" A quite voice asked. Batman looked to see Robin trying to sit up. Batman rushed to his side to lay him back down. "What happened?"

"You were injected with something after facing the Joker and Scarecrow."

"Oh. Can I see the team?" Robin asked hopeful.

"No." Batman hasn't let anyone see Robin and he wasn't going to for a long time.

"Why not?" Robin asked worried did something happen to the team?

"Because we're going home. Alfred had been worried sick." Batman said helping Robin to the door. Hopefully nobody would see them.

They made it to the Zeta tubes when Wally saw his boyfriend.

"Robin!" He ran to hug him but Batman stoped him with a glare.
"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, are you you look like you've been crying for days." Wally stare at him.

"You've been in a coma for two days! OF COURSE I'VE BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU! THE WHOLE TEAM HAS BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU! TO ADD ON TO OUR WORRY BATMAN HASN'T LET ANYONE SEE YOU!" Dick went to give Wally a hug but Batman stoped him.

"Bruce," Robin wispered.


"Bruce let me see the team." Robin started to back towards Wally.

"No!" Batman grabbed hold of Robins arm. "Your not going anywhere near them!" He picked Robin up and put him over his shoulder.

"Batman! Let me see my friends!" Robin yelled causing the team to follow the sound of that teammates distressed voice.

"Robin!" They yelled.

Batman sighed and put Robin down. "10 minutes, then we leave."

The team asked him a lot of questions but they also said stuff about how they missed him and never to fight Scarecrow and Joker alone again. They had a big group hug that took up the remainder of the time.  Batman had to drag Robin away from the team. And into the zeta tubes.

Batman A02
Robin B01

When they got to the manor Alfred gave Dick a bear hug. Alfred served dinner with Dick's help. After dinner the three snuggled on the couch with Dick in the middle. They were watching Moana. Dick fell asleep during the roll credits scene.

"Master Bruce please reconsider your decision. Being Robin bring Master Dick joy." He said as Bruce brought Dick to his room.

"Alfred when Dick was in that coma I thought I was going to lose him. I can't go through that again."

"I understand master Bruce. How do you think I feel when ever you put your suit on?"

"It's not the same."

"Your right your not letting him make his own decisions wich will drive him away."

"Alfred. . ."

"Goodnight Master Bruce."

Bruce looked over to his sleeping son. "I just want to keep you safe."
As he started to walk away Dick started to whimper.

"Don't go. Please don't leave me." He sobbed.

Bruce sat at the head of his bed and lifted Richard onto his lap. Bruce put his arms around him and whispered, "I'll never leave you my little bird. I love you." And Bruce knew it was Richard's decision of wether or not to stop being Robin.

Robin one-shots Where stories live. Discover now