What just happened

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Dick Grayson was in trouble.

Not a life threaning trouble but a bad trouble. He has a date.

I know what try your probably thinking. What? How can having a date be a problem? But it is you see, Dick dosen' t know if he's made the right choice of excepting the boys invasion for dinner tomight.


Dick was in math class and the new kid next to him kept stretching and laying a note in his lap.

"Sup cutie'

'I'm not cute.'

'I seemed to have lost my number, Can I have yours instead?'


'Can I have a map? Cause I seen to be lost in your eyes ;)'

'There's a detour'

To the left of him was a poster saying something about roads.

'Come on beautiful I just want to talk.'

Dick rolled his eyes at the last one.  He almost beats Wally with bad pick up lines.

Wally West . . . Dick's ex-boyfriend who broke up with him for no reason what so ever. He missed Wally. Wally and his kind smile, his laugh, the corny pick up lines, his soft red hair, they way his kisses could make Dick forget about all his worries, most of all Dick missed they way it was never boring in their relationship.

Dick sighed and another note landed on his lap. 'Hi, I'm Stevie South can I have your name beautiful?' Dick stared at the new note debating wether or not he should. Finally he wrote a one word response.

When the note was passes back to him. 'You know what. I'm just going to call you little bird.'

'Why?' Dick wrote back. Did the new kid know who he is?

'Because of your doodles of tiny birds'

'Funny :/'

'You know it little bird ;)'

"Mr. Grayson!" A ruler slammed down on Dick's desk causing Dick to jump in shock hitting his legs against the desk as he tried to stand up.

"Yes?" He asked his teacher Mr. Ham who kind of looked like one.

"You know the rules no passing notes in class. Hand it over. So I can read it out loud." Dick reluctantly handed over the piece of paper. The class giggled at Dick's embarrassment.

"Boys do you have anything to say?"

Stevie turned to face Dick and asked "Will you go on a date with me at 5 o'clock tonight, so I can make up embarrassing you in class?" The class was rendered speechless.

Dick nodded his head a light blush graced his cheeks.

Stevie smiled that the rest of maths.


Ok so it wasn't so bad. Stevie picked him up receiving a Batglare from Bruce, they went to a nice place to eat, and now they are walking down the street hand in hand.

"This is nice." Dick said leaning against Stevie's chest. He pulled Dick closer wrapping his open jacket around him once he shivered.

"Yeah." Stevie stared dreamy at Dick.

"I might even want to do it again." Dick said bumping into him a little bit.

"Oh? And where will we be going next time?" He asked pulling them in a ally.

"Mabe we could go star gazing." Dick shrugged leaning against the wall.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." Drive looked Dick in the eyes and a silent agreement passed threw them. Carefully they brought their lips together little to no pressure was on them to hurry things up. Dick smiled. This is the start of a wonderful relationship.

"You can put a little pressure on my lips you know. I'm not going to break." Dick whispered as Stevie leaned in again. Slowly but surely the kiss turned into making out.

Dick ran his fingers threw Stevies hair while he was pinned to the wall. Stevie gently as if not to hurt him took Dick's  hands form his hair and placed it near his face on the wall.

Suddenly Stevie was riped away from him by non other than his Ex-boyfriend Wally. Dick was in to much of a shock of seeing Wally to not realise he was yelling at Stevie.

"And if I ever see you touching him ag-"

"Wally what the hell!?" Dick screamed rushing to Stevies side helping him up. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah little bird do t worrie about me," He faced Wally "Who are you and how do you know little bird?"

"Little bird?" Wally asked growing.  Only he called Dick little bird. As well as Dickie bird, boy wonderful, babe, and bae.

"Yes little bird the amazing person who accepted to go on a date with me."

"Date!" Wally's glare was now directed at Dick. The said boy was now being shiled form the world by Stevie.

"Yes Wally, a date. You know, when two people who like each other spend time with one another, without bringing other people with them!" Dick snapped at him causing Wally to reach out to hug him but Dick flinched away.


"No Wally! What are you doing in Gotham anyway?" Dick stared infrount of Stevie.

"I-" Wally stoped and ran at Dick pinning him to the wall crashing his lips on his. Dick struggled to escape his grasp not going to let Wally have his way. He punched and kicked Wally. Wally almost made it past the youngers defences if Stevie didn't punch him in the face. When Wally looked up he was in a protective stance guarding Dick.

"Dick I'm sorry. Please!" Wally grabbed his hand.

"Wally you had your chance with me. Your the one who broke it off."  The two walked out of the ally leaving a broken hearted boy behind.


"I'm sorry about that." Dick said kissin g him good night. Stevie drove him home after the
"Wally disaster"

"It's fine. Are you sure your ok?"

"A little shocked. Nothing I can't handle." Dick gave a small smirk before closing the door.

He had a great night . . .
Than he saw Bruce.

"Young man. What do you think your doing this late at night, and with a boy no less?"

"Okay I under stand that you want to keep me safe, but
1) I'm tired
2) his name is Stevie South
3) he's new in Gotham
4) I'm going to bed." Dick yawned walking up the stairs.

"Fine but don't think your off the hook." Bruce said pulling Dick in for a quick side hug.

"Yeah yeah I know."

Bruce tucked Dick in after he changed into PJs. "Goodnight my little bird. Sweet dreams."

The next morning as Dick got breakfast.

"So what's with you and directions?"


Wow, that one was long. Hoped you enjoyed. Sorry for making Wally seem like a donkey in this. (If you don't understand don't try to.) Please, PLEASE request!

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