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Warning the Pov. Will change a lot in this chapter. I don't want you to get confused.

Robin pov.

Today is the day. I'm going to tell KF how I feel about him.
I had been debating of whether or no to back down. Oh come on your name is Robin not Chicken. I walked into the room . . .

"Wa-" I stoped there in Wallys room was Artemis and Wally kissing.

Crack. Robin could almost hear his heart break.

Crack. Robin closed the door before the tears in his eyes fell.

Shatter. He heard Artemis say something to Wally but he couldn't make sence of the words.

Dick ran to the Zata tubes and went to the Batcave. He ran past Bruce and Alfred ignoring them as he passed. All he could feel was hurt and regret. He wanted to sleep and forget about this hell of a day.

Before Robin saw the kiss.

Wallys pov.

Today is the day I'm going to tell Robin how I feel he asked me to talk to him and now I'm waiting for him to meet me in my room. Artemis barged in and hid under my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little annoyed. Robin would be here any minute now!

"I may or may not have replaced all of superboys shirts with pink replicas," I started laughing.

"He's going to kill you!"

"Not if you hide me here." Artemis called out from under the bed after they heard Conner pass his room in a fit of rage. "Thanks I owe you one."

"Can you help me now?" I asked nervous he was scared that Robin would be disgusted with me and never want to see me.

"Sure, with what? Need help finding a date?"

"No! Yes, sort of." I breathed in a deep breath. "I want to ask Robin out on a date but I'm scared he'll reject me."

Artemis Pov.

"I'm Robin ok? Now ask me on a date." I couldn't be happer. My ship is going to leave the harbor!

"Ok . . . So Robin do you want to hang out with me?"

"Like on a date?"

Walls Pov.

"Yes!" I smiled and saw Robins happy face. He could almost smell him.

"I would love to KF." We could only hope that's what he would say.

They started leaning in closer as I whispered "What do I do if he wants to kiss?"

Artemis showed me.

Artemis Pov.

We broke off when I heard the door close I saw only a bit of Robins cape.

"Oh no. Wally what time were you and robin supposed to meet up?"

Wally swore under his breath and ran to the Zata tubes to late the robot voice called out Robin B01.

He missed him.

My ship will never leave the harbor now.

And I think I'll stop there. Please give me requests! And have a nice day!

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