Overprotective Boyfriend

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I love Wally don't get me wrong. He's the love of my life it's just sometimes he can get . . .  overwhelming.
Here's a example when we were one mission Wally locked me in a closet when it was time to fight and didn't let me out until I promised him I wouldn't fight for a week! He tries to control everything I do! I'm 23 and I can't do anything with out Wally being there. Once he even abducted me! I mean who doses that? Well it's time for him to wake up hopefully when I talk to him today he'll give me some room to breath.

Dick looked up from his journal to see a pair of great eyes staring at him.

"Hello birdy isn't it a wonderful morning?" Wally asked sitting up and pulling Dick into his embrace.

"Wally I need to talk to you." Wally tensed up he didn't like where this is going.

"What's wrong babe?" Dick hesitated before answering.

"I love you. I love you so much but-"

"If your breaking up with me I'm not listening." Wally pulled him into a tighter hug.

"No Wally I'm trying to say is you need to give me some space."

"What?" Dick pulled back from the hug.

"I feel like I'm not in control of my life Wally. I feel like your overprotective."

Wally glared at Dick holding his arm roughly. "I'm not overprotective." Dick winced at the coldness of his voice.

"Wally" Dick tried to get out of their bed.

"No!" Wally pulled him back down and caged him underneath him. Dick was scarred. He had never seen Wally like this before.

"Wally your scaring me." Dick said in a small voice.

Wally looked Dick in the eye. "Promise your not you're not going to leave me. I can't-" Wally closed his eyes and shook his head  trying to hold back tears "I can't live without you. You mean everything to me"

"I can't promise you anything Wally." Wally let the tears fall. "You mean everything to me too but that doesn't mean you can control every second of every day of my life." Wally got out of bed and Dick followed. They when to the kitchen of there apartment and ate breakfast.

"I'll try to give you more space." Wally said as they got ready to go to work.

"Thank you." He gave Wally a Peck on the cheek and walked out the door walking to his department in the city he loves and protects.

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