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Reverse BatFam.

Name; Alfred Pennyworth (Al, over-lord-of-sass, Pennyworth)
Age; immortal
Alter Ego; Agent A

Name; Bruce Wayne (B, Batsy)
Age; 41
Alter Ego; Batman

Name; Damian Wayne (Dami, big D, Demion Spawn)
Age; 18
Alter Ego; Renegade

Name: Timothy Jackson Drake (Tim, Timmy, Red, Drake)
Age; 16
Alter Ego: Red Robin

Name; Jason Peter Todd
(Jay, Jay-bird, Hood, Tood)
Age; 14
Alter Ego; Red Hood

Name; Richard John Grayson (Dick, Dickie-bird, little bird, Grayson)
Age; 12
Alter Ego; Robin

It was Robins first day on the job. He was watching the city with me. There hasn't been any trouble yet just some lowlife muggers, a old lady who was lost, and a small robbery. Nothing they couldn't handle. While Robin was swinging and jumping around on a gargoyle I was watching him with a small smile on my face. Dick reminded me of myself before I died.
Dick ran up to me and said "I trust you!"
He than turned around,
crossed his arms like a mummy,
And started to drop like a stone.
If I didn't have fast reflexes Dick would have often hurt I caught him two inches from the ground. When he got up he gave me a big hug.

The only thing running though my mind was, what the fuck?

I was working on the computer as Robin walked up to me and stole my coffie.
"Give it back!"
"First get up!" I stood up and held out my hand for coffee. He set it down next to him and said "I trust you." He than turned around crossed his arms like a mummy and fell. I held out my arms to save him from the cave ground. He fell right into them. When he got up Robin gave me my coffee with a hug.

I was sleeping in my bed when I heard someone enter my room. I naturally pretended to be sleeping in hopes to fool the person, but they jumped on my stomach causeing me to gasp for air.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP." Dick was jumping on me.

"Mhm, do you think I should get up?"


"No, go to sleep."

"But I need you to know I trust you!"

"I already know. You can go a rare me without flinching, you cuddle with me, you're always there." I was practically mumbling now.

"But I want to show you! It'll only take a second!"

"Fine." I crawled out of my warm safe haven and stepped into the cold hell out side of my blankets.

"I trust you." He said and fell back. I was half asleep still and watched him fall. When he got the ground he looked up at me and said.

"I don't trust you any more."

Robin one-shots Where stories live. Discover now