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It was a normal day for the dynamic duo. A 9-year-old Dick was waiting for either Bruce or Alfred to pick him up from school. When the black suv pulled up infrount of him. The window rolled down to revel Bruce.

"Get in."

"What's the word?" Dick said not moving.

Bruce sighed "You know it's me."

"How can I really know without you saying the word?"

"Fine. Thomas-John-Martha-Mary," Bruce snapped "Now get in."

"What's wrong?" Dick asked sitting in the passenger side. "Did the meeting not go as planed?"

"They kept changing the rules of the deal making it hard to come to an agreement." Bruce said pulling onto the interstate.

Their was road working signs ahead it took everything in Dick not to say 'Well I sure hope it dose.' Not wanting to worsing his guardians mood.

"So how was school?" Bruce tried for small talk.

"Good. The student teacher made a joke," Dick laughed "I wasn't even funny!"

Bruce shook his head at his wards actions. Out of the corrnor of his eyes he say him shaking with laughter as a green van pulled up next to the suv.

Bruce tried slowing down to let them pass but the car behind thin wouldn't let that happen. Dick stoped laughing and watched tense at what was happening.

"Bruce-" Dick was cut off by the green van slamming into them driving them into the dich. The air bags exploted open knocking Dick unconcious. Bruce lay there dazed watching the green van pull over and open Dick's door open unbucling him.

"No." Bruce said his vision fading into nothing as he saw the people take his son away.


The sounds of sirins woke Bruce up his head pounding. "Richered? Son?" He mumbled trying to locate him.

"Sir your son isn't with you. Can you remember your name?"

"Bruce Wayne." He looked up to see a male nurse.

"Do you know what happened?"

"T-their was a crash. Where is my son? I picked him up from school!" Bruce tried to get out of the bed but restrants held him down.

"Sorry Mr Wayne but you need time to recover. The police are doing everything their power to find him." He said.

"So nothing." Bruce tried to sit up again. 

"Sir you need to rest."

"When my son is safe."

"Sir-" the man tried again.

"No two men took him they had a green van! They took him!" Bruce was panicking now who knows what could have happened in the time he was out.

"Sir I'm sorry. I'll tell the police but for now . . ." He trailed off as he sedated him. Bruce contended to pull before he was lost to the darkness.


When Dick woke up he was tightly tied to a pole. He groaned as he tried to open his eyes to find he's been blindfolded. He shook his legs to see they've been tied as well.

He heard hushed whispering get closer and he pretended to still be unconscious.

"I could have sworn the brat was awake." A voice said raspy and male.

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