Obsessed pt 3

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This chapter could be triggering! SA! R@PE TRAMA! I'm warning you!

Robin was crying from all that had happened to him.
To save him from the humiliation I don't want to say much other than the man had done many wrong things to him.
The man took something Dick could never get back.

"Please stop." His voice no bigger than a whisper. The man stared at Dick's body a moment longer before he left pulling the blanket so it covers his lower half.

"Your lucky I have a call to make." The man walked out of the room locking the door behind him. Once Dick knew he was alone he cried. The sobs fell threw his mouth echoing in the small chamber.

With Bruce

The phone ringing woke him up from his 24 hour nap. Sluggishly he made his way to answer the phone.

"Hello?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Mr. Wayne I have your ward." The voice on the other end woke Bruce faster than the Flash can run.

"Listen good and listen close if you harmed a hair on my sons head I swear-"

"Bit to late Mr. Wayne. I found his crys for me to stop. Mhm. I really could go for another round. Oh and you shouldn't swear."

"What do you want?" Bruce asked as he started to trace the call.

"Two million by tomarrow at sundown no vigilantes or sidekicks or you can kiss having your ward back goodbye."

"Son. He's my son." Bruce said trying to keep the man in the phone.

"Well, by the law you never really adopted him so. . ." The man smirked on the other side of the phone he was about to hang up when.

"I want to know my son is alright." So close he just needed him in for 20 mire seconds.

"Give me a sec."





The voices if the two together made Bruce want to snap the man's hand and cover him with papers and roll him in salt.




"Bruce?" Dick's voice made a crack in the Dark Knights armor as he sounded housed.


"Hay old chum how are you?" Bruce took note of the tiredness in his voice.


"I've been bette-Mhm!" Bruce could hear a struggle on the other end of the phone and a vilont sound of a bone braking.




"Shut up you little brat!" Another hit. Bruce could hear Dick crying on the other end of the line.



"Mr. Wayne is that enough evidence for you?"



"Or mabey I should start sending you bits and pieces?" The man mused.



He hung up.


The location was locked.

Batman bursted threw the window glass raining down on the man and Dick.

Batman launched himself at the man and punched him until the man was nocked out and even them he kept hitting him.

"Bruce. Bruce! Your going to kill him Tati! No killing! No Killing!" Dick screamed trying to escape his bonds. Even after all the man did to him he wasn't going to let Batman kill over him.
He wasn't worth it.

Batman stared over to his son and undid his bonds. He gave Dick a look asking if he was alright.

"To be honest? I feel terrible." Dick sat up looking for his clothes but found them shredded. Batman growled at the man and gave him one last kick for good measure. He than proceeded to give Dick his cape to give up in as he didn't bring extra clothes.

"Thank you." Dick said when they got home.

"Of course. Let's get you checked up on by Alfred. He's been worried sick." The two walked to the old man and gave him a bear hug.

"Thank heavens your home Master Richard. I was starting to get worried." Alfred said pulling away.

"I'm sorry to have worried you Al." Dick gave Alfred another hug.

"I'm sorry to ask you this sir but what did he do to you?"

"He um, well, you see-"

"Did he rape you?" Dick looked up to see Bruce with a stone face with a small nod to acmoling that is in fact what happened.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go threw that I promise you'll never see him again."

"I trust you."

Later that night the dynamic duo fell asleep cuddling on the couch with their best friend to give them a blanket and fall asleep in the chair next to them.

Hi, hope you liked it! That was the end of that thank goodness! Please request il

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