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T'was a quit day in the mountain . . . Until Robin entered the mountain that is. Instead of going strait to his boyfriend Wally he walked around trying to find a certain green archer.

"Arty! Arty, Arty, Arty! Where are you?!" Robins sing-song voice echoed threw the cave. "ARTY!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" Artemis yelled back gathering food in a basket.

"Are you ready?" Dick asked sitting down.

"Yeah and I'm going to beat you so bad you won't see what happened." Artemis replied in a snarky tone.

"Oh, we'll see." Dick gave his signature crackle disappearing to his room.

Artemis laughed at his actions and followed. They were going to have a blast! They only hope the "We're playing video games" would be a good coverup. I mean what their doing would be terrible if their boyfriend/girlfriend found out.

Once they entered the room Artemis dumped the basket on the floor, "So, did Babs say anything about me?" She asked Dick sitting on his bed. Dick took of his sunglasses and made eye contact with her.

"Say something? She wouldn't shut up about you and your wonderful blond hair, perfect smile, and beautiful eyes that hold a gray storm." Dick paused like he was debating whether or not to tell her. "She also said how you ki-Mmphh!"

"Say anymore and I'll make it so you don't kiss Wally until I die." Artemis stared him down Dick not backing down. Finally they both backed down at the same time.

"Ok so I told you what Barbra said about you . . . What did Wally say about me?"

"Oh you know the same old. How he misses you, how he wants to run his hands threw your thick black hair that smells so good, also how he wanted to stare into your eyes all day and memorize every detail." They sighed in unison with a dreamy look in their eyes.

"So have you told your mom yet?"

"Have you told Bruce?"


"Yeah same." Artemis lay her head on Dick's pillows. "I mean it's not like I don't want to its just . . ."

"Your not sure how she'll react. I understand. Just tell her before your married."

"Oh ha, ha, ha! I'll have you know that Babs and I are taking our relationship slowly. Unlike you and Wally."

"Hay we're taking it as slowly as we like. You should remember Wally's a speedster. They don't take things slow."

"Well that must be tough having a ling lasting relationship with him."

"Only smetimes. Othertimes he members I'm human and slows down to my speed." Dick picked up a bag of chips and started eating.

"That must be nice." Artemis said stealing a chip.

"Hay! Hands of my chips green bean!"

"Really? Green He ran that's the beat you could come up with?"

"Just don't eat my chips, get your own."

"Fine." A silence fell upon them. Not a uncomfortable one but a nice one. It was welcoming.

"I love talking with you Sora mare."

"I love talking with you too little bird."

Hi, hoped you liked this! Yes I see Artemis as a lesbian and dateing Barbara. Anywho, Sora mare means big sister in Romanian. Please request!

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