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The team was in deep trouble. They were trapped in a old abbanded building with an evil mastermind who could control there minds if your shot with his gun. Also he had a bomb that could blow up Gotham.

Robin and KF were currently trying to disable the machine when the man saw he shot at them. KF ran infrount of Robin to protect him and ended up being shot twice.

Skip to the infirmary

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Wally eyes shot open as he possessed everything. He gave a smile and went to find his little bird.

Wally found him in his room sleeping in his bed wearing Wally's favorite sweatshirt he also saw Robin didn't have his mask or sunglasses on. Wally smiled and pick up the small boy he couldn't contain his excitement. He ran to the zata tubes and ended up somewhere in a central city warehouse. He put Richard down on the floor and went to find something so he doesn't run away even though he could catch him it would be easier.

As Wally ran back from the story after buying zipties he walked over to Robin who sleep like a coma patient. He pulled his arms behind him and tied his wrists together. Wally than went to his feet and as tightly as he could he pulled the ziptie.

Wally also bought a bandana and pulled it around Robins mouth. Wally couldn't have him give away his position by yelling for help now could he?

After he did that he found some soft blankets and put them on the ground laying down and having Robin next to him. Wally felt his eyes burn oh what he could do with the little bird. He could torture him, talk to him, play video games with him.

Robin came back to reality when he bolted up right struggling against his restrants. He looked around and saw Wally. Robin tryed to say something threw the gag but it was muffled.

"I'm sorry Little birdy I can't understand you." Wally walked over to Robin and smirked. "Say what do you what to do? I'm bord." Wally looked at him and saw Robin has blue eyes.

Wally was so close Robin could see the flecks of red in Wally's eyes. Robin slowly brought his knees to his chests. And kicked his feet at Wally's badspot.

Wally doubled over in pain and fell on the cold hard ground. Robin started to crawl on his back making it three feet.( A/N I'm from America sorry) he pushed off walls to get some extra distance.

Robin wasn't trying to escape right now he was trying to find a sharp something to cut the zipties on his feet.

Wally soon recovered and saw Robin was nowhere to be found. He cussed under his breath.

He ran around the building and found Robin cutting the zipties and pulling the bandana out of his mouth.

"Hello pretty birdy," Wally said and Robins head shot up.

"Wally please."

"Please what?" Wally asked walking closer to him.

"Stop. This isn't you." Richard looked around trying to find a way to eacape.

"Oh, really? This isn't me." Wally's eyes turned red and he pinned Robin to the wall and held his arms above his head.

"Yes, this isn't you. My Wally is kind and selfless. He would rather die than heart me. Which is exactly what your doing!" Robin began wiggling trying to get out of his hold.

Wally eyes went back to there normal color but with red flakes still there. "I'll never try to hurt you my little bird." Wally looked Richard in the eyes and slowly brought his lips onto Robins.

Robins eyes went wide when Wally started to kiss him he struggled more. All he did was get stuck more. When Wally pulled back he was breathing heavily from lack of air. Robin tried to kick him again but his legs were also pinned to the wall.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me?" Robin asked wearily.

"I would never try to hurt you my precarious Robin.

"Than let me go."

"No, do you think I'm an idoit? You'll run! This way I won't lose you!"

"I promise I won't run." Robin looked at Wally, "When have I broken a promise to you?" Wally still seamed unsure. "Don't you trust me?"

Wally thought about it. Than he slowly realised the pressure on Robin. "I trust you."

Robin wrapped his arms around wally's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Wally kissed him with everything he had when he lost touch with reality. Robin looked down at the knocked out form of his best friend.

"I'm sorry, but you're Evil and I want my Wally back." Robin sent the emergency bat-signal and Batman was there in 10 min. He took Wally to Martian Manhunter and returned him back to normal.

Hi, so that was a bad ending. But I hope you liked it. Please request. I what to hear your Ideas!

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