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Dick Grayson hated making his bed. Evan as a adult. But before he became Nightwing, before he formed the Teen Titans, before he joined Young Justice, before he became Robin, and before his parents were murdered infrount of his very eyes he would refuse to make his bed.

"Dick if I walk in there and your bed isn't made!" His mother stoped at that her son had a active imagination. He would fill it in for her.

Dick pretended to sleep when his mother walked into the room. His bed still not made.

"Dick your a horrible faker." Dick laughed as his mom scooped him in her arms planting kisses over his face.

"Mom! Stop that tickles!" His mom set him down and he crawled under the blankets and closed his eyes.

"Fine have it your why then."

She pulled off one of his blankets but he kept replacing them. Soon he resorted to using his stuffed animals and pillows. When it was just him clinging to the sheets she pulled him off but Dick being Dick he held on to the mattress. When she pulled of the sheets and pulled the mattress of its post Dick was holding on to it like a koala bear. His mom tipes it on its side and he still held on. Finally she unhooked Dick's hands from the mattress and looked around.

"Well we've made quight the mess. Let's pick it up before your father finds out" They played as they put his room together, and once they were finished Dick walked over to is bed and pulled the blanket over him covering him completely.
Mary sighed as Dick laughed.

"Come on my little Robin or no trapiez for you!"

Dick jumped out of bed and threw on his clothes as his mother walked out of the room shaking with laughter.

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