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Wally and Dick stormed into the mountain a heavy silence fell upon the team as they watched the couple fight.

"Who was that?!" Wally practically screamed at him.

"My god Wally! I told you he was a friend from school! He wanted my number because we have a project to work on together!" Robin yelled back why didn't Wally trust him enough to let him have friends?

"Oh so why haven't I heard about ?"

"Because they never came up!" You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears now.

Wally stared at his boyfriend anxiously he didn't want to lose him.

"Why are you so mad any way I just hugged him!" The couple were in each others faces as the tension started to thicken Wally knew if he didn't do something soon he might lose Robin.

"Be-Because for a moment he held my entire world!" Wally snapped grabbing Robins forearm and looking him in the eye threw his sunglasses. Robin held his stare as he gave Wally a peck on the lips before trying to pull back. Wally tighten his grip on Robins arm.

"W-Wally your hurting m-me." Robin said shuddering a little. Wally looked to see his white knuckles around Robins biceps.

"I'm sorry." Wally said loosening his grip but he still had Robins arm in his grasp.
"I can't live with out you. Please don't make me."

"I would never. As long as you never leave me." They leaned in for another kiss but were interrupted by the sound of Artimis crying. They looked over to see the whole team has been watching them and were now crying there eyes out. Except Connor his smiled and when to the kitchen for a snack.

"Noo! I'm so sorry I ruined the moment! But that was so . . . 
So Meaningful!" She walked to the zata tubes and traveled to her mothers house to update her Birdflash blog.

Hi everyone thank you for reading the book! Please request! I'll try to update once more this week!

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