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Dick was walking home from school. It had been a pretty bad day, he got a bruse from gym, he was almost out of the city when he was pulled into a allyway with the speed of the flash.

He felt something stab him in the arm and he saw a blob of red hair as he fell into the dark abyss.

When Dick woke up he's feet were tied tightly to the wooden chair his hands were bound above him making his body sore. He was blindfolded as he heard a voice humming. Dick started struggling against the hand restrants as he heard the person getting closer.

A door opened and light streamed into the room. Someone walked over and took off Docks blindfold Dick could now see he was in a big room. Quickly the lights turned on and a confetti canion exploited.

He saw a banner that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DICK!" With a little cartoon characters of Wally and Dick kissing. Dick was confused. Wally ran into the room and tried to kissed Dick on the lips before quickly untieing him. But Dick had other ideas and head butted him giving him a black eye. 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He screamed at Wally who was now on the floor holding his eye.

"Happy Birthday?" Wally asked crying on the floor.

"I'm sorry Wally." Dick said as he pulled out a ice pack from his belt wich he always has on him.
Rule 1. NEVER leave home without it.

Wally gave a smile and put it on his eye. "You know what would be better than a ice pack?"


"A kiss," Wally said leaning in.

Dick pretended to lean in to kiss him but at least second he pulled back. "You know a kiss is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place."

Wally pouted and looked away quickly Dick gave Wally a kiss on the cheek. Wally brightened mediately.

I got this idea from @SuperFamily3309 thank you! Please request!

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