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Batman was walkimg down some rotten stairs following a low life criminal. The man watched from The blanket of shadows that kept the bat safe for so long.

Suddenly the criminal opened a janiters closet and walked in. It was almost half and hour until he came out of the closet.

When he left to his room in the apartment building. Batman hurried into the room looking for the file he stole not to long ago. But when Batman turned on the light he was terrified to see the many many pictures of his son. Both Dick and Robin covered the room with notes saying of how cute he is and how he wanted to do many things to him. One even had a idea to kidnap him. Batman restraints himself from bursting threw the doors of that man's apartment and beating him to a bloody pulp for even thinking of touching his son. Batman looked for the file and found some disturbing pictures of Wayne manor. The first was of Dick's window Dick was currently shirtless and pulling the curions shut. The second one had a note written in red it showed a crossed off Wally and a untouched Dick cuddling on the couch. The ink said 'get rid of West!' The third was upsidedown labeled with lastnights date on the back when Batman fliped it over his stumuck did flips. His son was asleep in the picture. The man had to have need standing right over him. The thought of anyone like him that close to his sleeping some was more than enough to put pure rage into the bats body. Not wanting to kill the man Batman gathered the file he needed and left with a note telling him to comeback again later that night.  He was not going to stand by as a adult obsessed over his 13 year old son.

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