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Robin was tied tightly to a damp cave wall. Not in the batcave but close. He was left for dead.
He has suffered broken wrists, legs, a killer headache, he was injected with feargas, Robin was also littered with papercuts and rolled around in salt. He was also stabbed In the torso and shot near the heart.
In other words he was having a bad day.

Robin could only hope someone would come for him. He left that day with the team angry at him. Batman has been very busy, The Justus league wouldn't wast there time on a helpless child like himself. All he could do is wait for his time to be with his parents. He heard foot steps echoing across the cave and a voice talking.

"Deep breaths. Deep breaths don't be scared. You can do this. Find him and get out. No big deal." The voice was male and familiar. When the figure walked into the room Robin was in he gasped and covered his mouth.

"Wally?" He asked voice was raspy for holding in his screams and not talking for however long he's been here.

"Robin!" Wally rushed to untie him when he was freed Robin collapsed into Wally awaiting arms. "Hold on I'm going to get us out of here!" He started running and took a couple wrong turns and ended up back where they started. Wally tried again and had zero luck. He tried again and the third times a charm.

It was dark out when they escaped. Robin raised his head and saw the stars. He smiled and fell into a deep sleep.

Robin woke slowly. His head still hurt and he could barely lift his head. Someone walked into the room and gasped
"He's awake!" His mentor bursted threw the doors and wrapped him in a big hug.

"Never do that again!"

"I'll try."

His team walked in the room with guilty expressions. Ma'gan broke the silence. "How are you?"

"I'm doing better. How long was I out?"

"You were in a coma for a month." Batman stoped and seemed to be debating something. "Do you know how long you were torched for?"

"A few days, a week maybe?"

The team and Batman looked at eachother. Kaldur spoke up

"My Friend you've been tourchered for 3 months."

"Thats not- how- who- what?" Robin looked at them he realised he didn't have his mask on. "Where is my mask?"

"You don't need it anymore." Batman got up. "And I promise I'll find who did this to you and I'll make tham Pay."

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