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There is no words to express the horror of Haileys Circus that night. The blood pooling around the twisted and broken body's of the once happy family. That wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was the child no older than 8 crying over two of the dead bodys. His parents.
The mothers eyes shot open and she grabbed his hand.
"You could have stoped this." She choked out. "You could have saved them." She turned her head and the acrobat saw his family, team, and worst of all his mentor and loyal Butlar dead amongst the rubble of what he could only assume to be Gotham.

Dick's eyes shot open as he screamed waking his boyfriend Wally West.

"Wa-whos there? I-I know kratie!" Wally jumped out of bed and threw random jabs at the air.

"Nobody's here Wally. I just had a nightmare." Dick said pulling Wally back into the bed.

"Oh. Want to talk about it?" Wally asked wrapping his arms around Dick's torso pulling him closer.

Dick shook his head. "No, I just want to stay like this for a bit."

"Ok hold my hand if you get scared." With those words Dick grabbed Wallys hand and squeezed.

"What are you scared of?" Wally asked looking down at Dick.

"I'm scared that if I let go you'll disappear." Wally sucked in his breath.

"I love you Rob."

"I love you too KF."

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