Day One

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It's the first day Dick cut off communication with Wally and is in the manor relaxing with Alfred on the couch.

"Master Dick why are you here when you can be spending time with Master Wallace?" He asked easing his brow.

"I'm not talking to him for three days. It's a test to see how serous he takes our relationship."

"Cleaver why to get information Master Dick."

"It wasn't my Idea Al. It was Ma'gans."

"Oh," Alfred spoke as he got up Dick followed suit. "So how are you going to spend the day?"

"With my best friend." Richard  said smiling at the old butler. 

"Shall I inform Miss Gorden you'll be meeting  her?"

"No silly I'm spending the day with you!" Dick laughed at Afreds shocked expression.

Alfred gave him a bear hug squishing the life out of him.

"Can't breathe!" Dick gasped trying to get a breath if freash air.

"My apologies Master Dick." Alfred said pulling away tears in his eyes.

Wally don't call or text the whole day.

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