Chapter 11 Gwen's POV

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 A few seconds later, we stop and he says, "You kissed me!"

 "I know, how did you like it?" I ask.

 "It felt a little rushed," Peter teases.

 We both laugh and then kiss again. "I'll give you guys some space," Flash says and walks away. We kiss a little more and then pull away.

 "We need to talk in private," I whisper to him.

 "Okay," Peter whispers back. "There's a janitor's closet over there."

 We go in there and I lock the door. "You're alive!" Peter exclaims. "You're okay!"

 "Yes, I am," I say.

 We both start to tear up and give each other a hug. "But I thought you were dead!" Peter says. "You didn't wake up at the clock tower."

 "I know," I say. "I wasn't dead. But I could have died."

 "What happened?" Peter asks.

 "You saw the ambulance take me after I fell, right?" I ask.

 "Yes," he says.

 "Well, they took me to the hospital. The reason they didn't let you or my family come because it wasn't any ordinary hospital. It's a special hospital for S.H.I.E.L.D, and only members of that organization can go in there. I was in a coma for a month, but they used special medicines to heal me and make me wake up sooner. Anyways, they told you I was dead because they want to keep me away from you. They want you to keep my father's promise so that I can be safe. Apparently Nick, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, gave you a chance, but ever since the clock tower incident, he thinks you can't protect me anymore. So that body you saw in the casket, was just a doll. It wasn't me. After I woke up from my coma, they took me to England to start a new life. They gave me a new identity. That's why I'm pretending my name is Mary Jane, and that's why I dyed my hair red. At least he let me go to Oxford since that's where I was going to go from the start, but I hate this! I hate not being with you or my family!"

 "Whoa whoa wait, you're family knows you're alive, right?" Peter asks.

 I'm silent.


 "No one can know, Peter! I know it stinks, but they're not going to tell my family or friends since they all know you and would tell you."

 "So your family has to suffer a lie because of me?!" Peter exclaims. "That's not fair! You're family deserves to know!"

 "I know they do, and so do you Peter!" I tell him. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, and I'm sorry I've been ignoring you! It's not because I didn't want to tell you the truth, but it's because I was forced not to tell you. You know the bracelet that I just stepped on? That had a camera inside of it. You see, the deal was that he'd only let me go out by myself if he knew everywhere I was going. I had to wear that thing 24/7, so there was no way of telling you. Although today, he told me that the cameras automatically break once at the end of every week, but sometimes they break early. I had to talk to you, so I broke the camera. He'll never know that I did it on purpose."

 "Gwen, I'm so sorry this happened. This is all my fault! If only I was able to catch you..."

 "No Peter, it's my fault!" I interrupt. "I should have listened to you when you told me not to help you defeat Electro. If I stayed away like you told me too, everything would have been fine, and we would have been a happy couple. Now, we can't be together and my life will forever be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D!"

 "Okay, what the heck is S.H.I.E.L.D, and how do they know everything about us?" Peter asks me.

 "They're a stupid organization that's in charge of all superheroes, and they think they know what's best for people when they don't!" I exclaim and start crying.

 "Gwen, it's okay," Peter says and gives me a hug. "It's not your fault! Without your help, I would have never defeated Electro. You know Spider-Man can't do everything by himself!"

 "Now you like talking about yourself in third person?" I tease.

 "Eh, I thought I'd give it a try!" he says. We both laugh. "Well I'm glad you're alive and okay," he tells me. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

 "Same here!" I say.

 "I wish there's a way we can still be together!" he exclaims. 

 "Well there is a way," I say. "At night, before I go to bed, Nick does let me turn off the camera, so maybe we can text each other."

 "Oh perfect!" Peter says.

 "Okay, I'll give you my number, but in your contacts, put my name in as Mary Jane just in case someone sees it," I tell him. "And do me a favor. Every night, text me first, and let me know it's you, because I can't add you in my contacts. They check my phone, so I'm going to have to delete our messages."

 "Okay, I'll definitely do that," Peter says. "Oh, and I forgot to ask, what happens if you get caught?"

 "If I get caught, they'd erase my memory of you and take me to another place," I say.

 "And they're supposed to be an organization for superheroes?!" Peter exclaims. "They're more like villains! Gwen, I'll get you out of this soon. This is not right for you to go through this!"

 "Thanks Spider-Man!" I say.

 "I'd do anything for you!" Peter says. "But are you sure this is safe texting each other? I don't want to get you in trouble!"

 "Yeah, it will be fine," I say.

 "Didn't you promise them?" Peter asks.

 "Yeah, but those are the best kind!" I exclaim.

 Peter kisses me. Then he pulls away for a second and says, "I love you!"

 "I love you too!" I tell him. We kiss a little more and then go to class.

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