Chapter 19 Gwen's POV

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I walk into my dorm, break my bracelet, and start to get ready for my date. I know Peter wants this to be a surprise, but I really want to know how to dress, so I text him.

I say, "Hey Peter! Can't wait for our date tonight. I was just wondering how I should dress since this is a 'surprise date'."

He texts me back saying, "Hey Gwen! Me too! Just dress semi fancy/casual."

"Okay, thanks," I tell him. "See ya bugboy!"

I find a navy blue dress with white polka dots that's a little fancy but more casual. I put it on and do my makeup.

When I'm all ready I ask my roommate, "How do I look?" She doesn't answer or look up at me and continues reading some weird book with a cat on it. "Thanks for your opinion!" I say sarcastically.

I should have known since she never has said a word to me. It's strange how it's been two weeks, and all I know about her is that she's a nerdy looking girl who loves cats.

I walk out of the room and out of the building. I go to the main building where I'm supposed to meet Peter. I find him waiting for me inside standing there wearing a black shirt and pants holding a picnic basket. When he sees me, he smiles and walks up to me and says, "Hey!"

"Hi!" I say back.

"You look amazing!" he tells me with his big brown eyes.

"Well thanks, bugboy!" I exclaim. "But not as amazing as you are."

"Not true!" Peter protests.

"So we're going on a picnic?" I ask looking down at the picnic basket.

"Yes, but not just any picnic, he says. "Come on!"

Peter and I walk outside and leave the campus. We walk a little more and then Peter says, "Hold on!" I wrap my arms around him and Peter swings us onto the Big Ben.

"Oh my goodness, Peter, it's amazing!" I exclaim. "What a beautiful view! This is the perfect spot for a picnic."

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you are," he tells me.

I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back. A few seconds later, I pull away and say, "I missed kissing you."

"Not as much as I missed kissing you!" he exclaims. We kiss a little more and then we sit down and eat.

"So what do we have here?" I ask.

"Well you see, I couldn't decide if I was in the mood for pizza or Chinese food, so I got us a large pizza to split and a small box of chicken fried rice on the side."

"Really Peter?!" I exclaim and laugh.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with combining meals!" Peter exclaims and laughs too. Peter takes the food out of the basket and sets everything up. When we start eating, he says, "You know, I think I'm going to put this rice on my pizza. I think it will make a great topping!"

I laugh. "You're so weird!" I exclaim. "But I'll try it too." We put the rice on our pizza and try it. "Mmm, this is actually very good!" I exclaim.

"I know right!" Peter agrees. "So I'm on level 300 now for Frozen Free Fall."

"That's great," I say.

"Why aren't you mad?" he asks.

"Uh, why would I be mad?" I ask back.

"Because I'm beating you," he tells me.

I laugh.

"What?" he says.

"Peter, I'm on level 800," I tell him.

"WHAT?!" he exclaims. "HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT IT?!"

"I don't know, I guess it just comes naturally," I say.

We both laugh. A moment later, we both say at the same time, "So there's something I need to tell you."

"You can go first," I tell him.

"No you can," Peter insists.

"Okay," I say. I tell him everything Nick told me today about how I might have to leave soon if Peter will be Spider-Man.

"Are you kidding me?!" Peter exclaims.

I sigh. "No, I'm not Peter. I wish I was though. But Peter, you really can't be Spider-Man here. Maybe it's best if you go back to New York."

"Gwen, I mean Mary Jane, I'm not loosing you again!" Peter tells me. "Plus, I don't think it would be a good idea to go back now."

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, Aunt May kinda found out that I'm Spider-Man and that you're alive......"

"WHAT?!" I interrupt him. "HOW?!"

"Well she was snooping on my computer and saw our text messages, and she found my old Spider-Man suit in my closet," he says.

"Was this the thing you wanted to tell me?" I ask him.

"Yes," he replies. "But I didn't tell her what's going on so she doesn't know everything. Although, she did tell your mother...."

"Oh no!" I interrupt again. "This is not good!"

"Hey, everything's okay. I told Aunt May to tell her that she was mistaken."

"But what if she doesn't?" I say. "Peter, I don't want Nick to take my memory away of you!" I start to cry. "

"Don't cry!" Peter says touching my cheek. "I won't let that happen."

"I still think you should go back to New York," I tell him. "Maybe you could keep a watch over Aunt May and my family. Plus, New York probably misses you. You can't not be Spider-Man because of me. The city needs you. The world needs you!"

"I'm not leaving you," he says. "You are the world to me."

"You are to me too, Peter, but I..."

"Look, I have plan. Since we're up high on the Big Ben, do you think you can point out to me where S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters is?"

We get up and I point it out to him. It's a building that looks like a shack behind a coffee shop. Their headquarters here is top secret.

"I'm going to talk to this Nick guy," Peter says. "I was thinking the other day, and your father never said that we couldn't be together. He said he wants me to leave you out of bad situations. I can convince him that I will for now on."

"I don't know Peter."

"Yes I can! I can and I will, because I love you, and I don't want to lose you, and I don't want to leave you."

Peter kisses me. I kiss him back. A moment later, I pull away and ask, "So how did Aunt May figure out your password? You had a password right?"


"Then what is it?"

Peter's silent.

"Come on, you can tell me!"

"It's 'I love Gwen Stacy'."

"Awww, that's so sweet," I tell him.

"You don't think that's weird?"

"Not at all! I have I love Peter Parker as my phone password, but it's in initials so that way Nick won't find out. It's 'ilpp'."

"Are you sure it's I love Peter Parker, or is it, I love peepee?"


"I'm joking!" he says.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you more," Peter says.

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"No you don..." Peter interrupts me with a kiss.

We keep talking, laughing, and kissing for the rest of our date and then Peter takes me back to my dorm.

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