Chapter 18 Peter's POV

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After my last class of the day, I go to my dorm to get ready for my date. I can't wait to finally talk to Gwen in person again! All of a sudden, Aunt May calls me. I pick up the phone.

"Hey Aunt May!" I say.

"Hi Spider-Man!"


"I said hi Spider-Man."

"But I'm not Spider-Man!" I protest.

"Peter, I know you're Spider-Man, and I know Gwen's alive," she tells me.

She's scaring me! How does she know? How could she have found out?

"Whaaaat?" I play dumb.

"Peter, I know. Just admit it!"

It's obvious she knows so I ask her, "How did you find out?"

"Well I went on your computer, and I saw your text messages pop up on the screen. I couldn't help reading them. And I found your old Spider-Man suit in your closet."

"I knew it I should have brought it with me!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah about that, why did you change suits?" Aunt May asked. "The first one looked better!"

"Well that's real nice!" I tell her. "And why would you snoop on my computer?"

"Because I miss you, okay?! I just wanted to look at your pictures."

"And how were you able to figure out my password?"

"Yeah, 'I love Gwen Stacy' is not a good password. Now can you please tell me what's going on?"

"Aunt May, I'm sorry, I can't. You're not even supposed to know about her being alive! But I'm sorry I never told you that I was Spider-Man. I just didn't want to make you worried, because I know how much you care about me."

"Peter, it's okay, but you should always feel comfortable telling me these things," she tells me. "You can tell me what's going on with Gwen."

"I'm sorry, but I can't," I say. "Please understand! Oh, and please tell me you didn't tell Gwen's mom."

Aunt May is silent.

"Aunt May?!"

"Peter, it's her mother! I can't keep things from her. You shouldn't want to either!"

"I don't want to, trust me," I tell her. "But I can't. And you can't either! Just act like you were mistaken! Please do this for me!"

"But Peter, her family misses her...."

"I mean it Aunt May!" I exclaim. "Just do this for me, okay?"

"Okay," she says. "Just promise me you guys will both be okay."

"Yes, I have everything under control," I lie. "Now I have to go, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye Peter!"

"Bye!" I say.

I hope Aunt May will stay out of this! She just can't get into this mess.

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