Chapter 30 Peter's POV

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 "Can it wait?" Flash asks. "We're having an important debate here."

 We all look at Flash. Not a smart move!

 "So, I already sent my agents out to fight the villains. Flash, you're going to stay here with all of my other assistants and protect the place. Peter, you're going to take care of Harry and Felicia. Now you guys can help each other if necessary. I'll help you guys out too. Now you Gwen..."

 "Finally!" Gwen exclaims.

 "What?" Nick asks.

 "You finally got my name right. I'm so happy for you!"

 Nick just rolls his eyes. "You're going to go in a room that I tell you to go in and you're going to lock yourself in there and stay there until everything is taken care of and when I tell you to get out."

 "Oh right, because I'm not capable of helping out," Gwen says sarcastically.

 "Gwen, I'm not going through this again," Nick tells her. "Come on!"

 We follow Nick to the room he wants Gwen in. It's on a secret level of the building not everyone knows about. Smart, not going to lie!

 When we enter the room, I ask Nick, "Can Gwen and I talk privately for a minute?"

 Nick hesitates. He finally agrees. "For a minute."

 "And one more thing," I tell him.

 "Yes Mr. Parker?"

 "Before you take Gwen away, let me say goodbye to her."

 "Fine." After Nick walks away, I close the door.

 "Peter, what were you thinking?" Gwen asks. "Why would you bring up to Nick about taking me away?"

 "Gwen, I have a plan, and I'm going to need you to cooperate," I tell her.

 "Okay, what is it?"

 "The reason I brought that up is because I'm acting like everything's normal, because think about it. It wouldn't be like me to not ask him that. Now I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need you to listen to Nick and stay in the room at all times, okay?"

 "But Peter..."

 "Gwen, trust me! I need you to do this. If you stay in the room, then after this is all over, I can convince Nick that I can protect you and that you'll stay away from bad situations. Just do this for us, not for Nick, okay?"

 I look at her. I can tell she wants to help. She hesitates for a moment but then says, "Fine, but this is only for us." 

 "So just stay in the room unless there's an emergency, no matter what?"

 "No matter what."

 "Copy cats," a voice says through the door.

 I open the door. It's Flash.

 "Hey, you're a hypocrite!" I exclaim.

 "Revenge!" he exclaims. "But seriously, you guys copied that quote from a book or something."

 "What quote?" I ask.

 "No matter what."

 "No we didn't."

 "I mean, it wasn't 'no matter what', but the way you said it was like this other phrase or word said in some book or movie, but I can't remember what it's called...."

 "Oh well I don't know what you're talking about," I say.

 "Yeah me neither," Gwen says.

 "Well it's obviously been over a minute now, so I better get going," I tell her.

 "Okay," she says.

 I give her a quick kiss and say, "I love you."

 "I love you too."

 Flash and I walk back to the main room. I hope Gwen will cooperate with me. At least just this once.

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