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Five years later.....

Peter's POV

"You did it, Ben! You did it!" I gasp with excitement. He just shot his first web.

 Benjamin Maxwell Parker is my youngest child, one years old. The oldest is Emily Hope Parker, who's three. Ben has blond hair and green eyes like Gwen, and Emily has brown hair and brown eyes like me. We named Ben after Uncle Ben and my middle name. Then we used 'Maxwell' as his middle name since it's a form of Gwen's middle name, 'Maxine'. As for Emily, Gwen and I have always wanted to have a daughter named 'Emily' so we named her that. Then for her middle name, we decided it should be 'Hope', since Gwen and I are each other's hope. They are wonderful children! Gwen and I are blessed to have them.

 Today's the day of our wedding anniversary. We've been married for four years now. These years have been the best years of my life!

 Everything worked out. Gwen's family and my family have been very close ever since we told them everything from me being Spider-Man to Gwen being under S.H.I.E.LD protection for a year. They all it took it well when they found out I was Spider-Man. Obviously they weren't too happy about what happened to Gwen, especially her family, but they eventually forgave Nick. Also, I'm glad Gwen's mother didn't blame me for her husband's death and Gwen's coma! She was very understanding.

 Later on that day, Flash flew back to London to start his future. A few days later, Gwen and I started ours. Nick confirmed to everyone Gwen knew that she's not dead like he promised. Her ID now reads "Gwendolyn Parker". She even went back to being blond. Even though she's beautiful with any hair color, I'm glad she went back to her natural. While she went to school at S.H.I.E.L.D to be a doctor, I trained with the Avengers, and now to this very day, work with them. She graduated and is now an official doctor at the S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarter's hospital.

 It really is great working with the Avengers. They're great guys! They're all cool and strange in their own ways. Especially Thor and Captain America! Even though I've been with the Avengers for five years now, I'm still not used to the fact that Captain America is an old man trapped in a young body and how Thor is from a planet I've never heard of or learned about for most of my life.

 I've been on many great adventures with the Avengers but my favorite one would have to be the one in Paris. Not only was that one of our great mission destinations, but it was also where I asked Gwen to marry me. She comes with me on some of my trips since she's one of the best doctors. I remember surprising her by webbing, "Will you marry me?", on the Eiffel Tower, like when I wrote "I love you" with my webs on the Brooklyn Bridge. After she saw it, I swung her onto the top of the tower, where I got on one knee proposing. When she said yes, I was thrilled. I was so happy that she said yes to being my wife. It's a wonderful feeling to know that you'll be spending the rest of your life with your true love!

 "Mommy's going to be so proud of you when she gets home," I tell my son.

 Before I know it, Emily webs Ben's face. "Emily, don't web your brother's face!" I tell her laughing slightly as I get the web off of his face.

 Emily pouts, but then wanders around our apartment. I can totally read her mind. She's trying to find something else to web. She does this all the time. It's adorable, but I have to stop her. Luckily, Gwen walks in, distracting Emily from webbing the house. Just in time!

Gwen's POV

 When I arrive home from a long day of work, I find Emily running up to me yelling, "Mommy!" Her tiny arms wrap around me and I return her hug.

 "Hi sweetheart! How's my little buggirl doing?"

 "Great! I shot a web at Benny's face."

 I frown slightly, looking at Peter.

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