Author's Note

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 Hey guys! As you can see, this story has finally ended. I know, it's sad. I'm sad too. It feels like I've just started this not too long ago. Although, you won't be sad for long, because this will be a series!

 Now in this series, there won't be an actual sequel, but there will be a spin-off and two mini prequels before that. The first mini prequel will be called Becoming Mary Jane. The second mini prequel will be called, Engaged: No Matter What. Last but not least, the spin-off will be called, The Not-So Amazing Spider-Girl.

 Becoming Mary Jane will take place during the time period where Peter believes Gwen to be "dead". This story will basically inform you everything that's happened to Gwen between her fall and Oxford. You will learn about her life at S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters and how she got her new identity.

 Engaged: No Matter What, the second prequel to this series, will be even shorter than Becoming Mary Jane, yet it will be very important to those of you who appreciate the art of feels. It well take place between the last chapter and Epilogue of TASM3. As the title says, it will be about Peter and Gwen's engagement in Paris. This fanfic will also be about one of Peter's missions with the Avengers. It will satisfy all audiences who love action and romance, like TASM3. Of course, you can't forget about comedy!

 The Not-So Amazing Spider-Girl will be about sixteen year old, Emily Hope Parker, the daughter of Peter and Gwen Parker. As Peter loves everything about being Spider-Man, Emily loves nothing about the fact that she spends less time with her friends and has to ditch a lot of social events in order to train her webbing skills, sometimes even helping her father fight crime. One midnight, on her seventeenth birthday, she makes a wish that her father had never gotten bitten by her granfather's radioactive spider. In the morning, she wakes up finding herself in an alternate universe, where she, her brother Ben, nor Peter, have spider powers. In this universe, Peter has never gotten bitten by one. At first, Emily loves her new life. But when everyone and everything starts getting strange, will she regret that she'd ever made that wish?

 Well, I hope you'll enjoy these upcoming stories. Before I close this note, I want to share with you guys what I've been trying to stress through out TASM3.

 One thing would be that I wanted to grow Gwen and Flash's characters a little more. I just felt like that there was so much about Gwen, such as her personality and feelings for Peter, that the movies could have expressed more. As for Flash, I wanted to show how much he's matured and changed from being an extreme bully, to a kind, funny, and sincere best friend towards Peter. At the same time, I still wanted to develop Peter's character more too, such as his thoughts about missing Gwen to how happy he was when he finally got to talk to her again after a year, etc. I hope I succesfully accomplished those character developments.

 Another thing I wanted to stress about was Captain Stacy's promise to Peter. I think that it's very important that we remember his exact words, "Leave Gwen out of it." I wanted to make that clear to you guys that Gwen's father never said that Peter couldn't be with Gwen. Like he said, he just  wanted Peter to keep her out of his crime scenes. I mean, we all know Gwen will try anything to help out. I felt like this needed to be said. The story had to continue on. I mean Gwen couldn't have just died and the end. This all leads up to how all this time, he was worried about keeping a promise he never made.

 The last thing that I wanted to stress was the theme of hope. I wanted you guys to realize how important it is to have hope. Halfway of the story, you realize that Peter wasn't the only one who needed hope. Gwen needed it as well. Imagine, being kept away from everyone you love with a bunch of strangers for a year. How do you think Gwen felt? She needed hope majorly! Basically, they were each other's hope. Just the thought of each other and memories of being together helped them get on with life. Well for Gwen, it was also watching Spider-Man on TV, and for Peter, it was her graduation speech.

 Anyways, the moral of the story is to have hope in life. Things could get better again like it did for Peter and Gwen. Even if you have a problem that could never be fixed, you still need hope.

 You may ask yourselves, "How can I have hope in such a world like this?" Well my friends, there's only one answer to that, and it's Jesus. Without Him, life is meaningless.

 "Why is it meaningless?" you might ask. The answer is simple. We were made to serve him. Think about it! Do you really think we we're just evolved from monkeys and were made to live our lives the way we think we should and to please ourselves? At least for me, that's unsatisfying. Why is that? Without God, we are nothing!

 Here's another thing I want you to think about. How can you have hope without a Savior? Well you might say, "You can find hope in your family, friends, and all of your loved ones. I mean that's what Peter and Gwen did, right?" Well you see, that was a fictional illustration. In reality, they can't give you real hope. As much as you may love them and as much as they may love you, you'll still hurt each other here and then. That's the thing about Jesus. He'll never hurt you!

You see, we weren't evolved. We were created by God to live for Him and serve Him. When He created the earth, everything was perfect; no sin, illnesses, death, etc. Since Adam and Eve fell into temptation, that's when sin entered the world.

 Here's another question people ask. "If God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat from the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil', then why would He create it?" The answer to that is free will. God's not going to force people to obey Him. He doesn't want forced love. He wants us to make the decision for ourselves. So all of this, sin, illness, death, it's not God's fault, but ours. But it doesn't end there.

 Here's the deal. Jesus loves us all so much, He came to this earth to sacrifice His life for us on the cross so that we wouldn't have to. Then three days later, he rose from the dead. The price is paid now. Because of His death and resurrection, we can all live in Heaven with Him for eternity. But it's up to you to pray to Jesus to confess your sins and accept Him as your personal Savior. I'm proud to say that I'm saved and let me just say, it's the best decision I've ever made. If you have any questions about this, feel free to message me and we can talk. Please don't hesitate. I don't want you to make the wrong decision. I pray for you guys all the time that you'll one day see that Jesus is the only way if you haven't yet. Now I'm being honest with you, if you don't accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you will end up in Hell, burning forever. So I hope that you guys will take these last few paragraphs into your head and really think about them. This is the most important thing you need to know in life.

 By the way, I have one more announcement. Want to help me get Marc Webb to read this fanfic and possibly use my idea for TASM3 movie? Comment your twitter usernames below and I'll message you the instructions.

 Anyways, thank you so much guys for reading, voting, and all of the comments for this fanfic. You're support means a lot! Well I just posted the prologue for Becoming Mary Jane so please check it out and I hope to see you guys in my prequel. :)

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