Chapter 39 Peter's POV

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"" is all I can make out. I don't know what to believe anymore. This is crazy! What am I saying, it's more than crazy. It's bazaar!

My parents are alive. They survived a plane crash. But how? How on earth is this possible?

"I know what you're thinking," My dad starts. "No, you're not going crazy. We're really here, it's really us, and yes, we're really alive."

I start to break into tears. My mother does the same. I come up to my parents and we get into a group hug.

"I missed you so much!" I say as I sob into their arms.

"We missed you too," my mom tells me.

"But how?" I ask. "How did you survive? And how come you never came back for me?"

"We wanted to, believe me," my father assures me. "But we had to stay away. To protect you and ourselves."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"You see, before the plane actually crashed to the ground, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents rescued us in time," my dad explains. "They took us to the hospital here and managed to take the bullets out of us, and we were able to heal. Now did you ever see that subway where I left all of my research for you?"

I nod.

"And I'm assuming you watched the video too?"

I nod my head again.

"So you knew why we were in danger. Oscorp was after your mother and I. We had to stay away from them and protect our research. We wanted to come see you again after we healed at the hospital but we were afraid that if they found out we were alive and were back living with you, they would kill us all. We didn't want that to happen. Anyways, Nick knew the situation we were in, so he made a deal with us. He'd let us stay here under their protection if we could come up with a medicine that they could use with our radioactive spiders for their hospital to heal their patients, so we did. We created a medicine with them, making it able to work on anyone's DNA, and we got rid of the substances that would give people the spider powers like you have. Not everyone can be Spider-Man, and I'm sure not everyone wants to. We're really sorry though for not being with you all these years."

"Yeah, I can't believe we missed out on raising you and watching you grow up," my mother adds crying again.

"Hey, it's okay," I tell them, hugging my mom again. "I understand. You did what was best for all of us. You're right. We probably would've all been dead if you came back. But that medicine of yours, I couldn't thank you enough for making it! You saved my girlfriend's life and cured Flash's bullet wound in seconds. Oh right, let me introduce you to them. Guys!" I motion for Gwen and Flash to come over here. Finally he stopped running in circles! "Mom, dad, this is Gwen Stacy, my girlfriend. Gwen, these are my parents, which I'm sure you guys have already met. And mom, dad, this is my friend, Flash Thompson. Flash, my parents."

"Oh nice to meet you guys," My mom says shaking their hands. My dad also does so.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," Gwen tells them.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," Flash agrees.

"Peter, what did you mean when you said I've already met your parents?" Gwen asks me. "This is news to me too. I didn't know your parents were alive! I would have told you if I knew."

"Yeah, I'm afraid we've never met your girlfriend, Peter," my mom tells me.

"Oh," I say. "I mean, I know you would've told me Gwen, if you knew. But I meant like I thought you guys would have at least seen each other, if not knowing each other well, since you've been in the same building for like a year."

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