Chapter 23 Peter's POV

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I remember where S.H.I.E.L.D is since Gwen pointed it out to me on the Big Ben, so I don't have trouble finding it. Flash and I decide to have a little fun though, since he tried to keep Gwen away from me. We get these fake mustaches and put them on. We enter the building and find a lady at the front desk.

"May I help you guys?" she asks.

"This is agent Edward and my assistant, William," I say with a British accent. "We must speak to Nick Fury. We have urgent news."

"Um, I don't think Nick was expecting you guys," the lady says. "You guys do know that you must have an appointment with him in order to talk to him, right?"

"But this is an emergency, miss," I plead.

"Alright, I'll talk to him, but if he refuses, there's nothing else I can do," she tells me. "You guys should know that he's a very busy man." She gets up from the desk and walks away.

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Flash whispers and laughs slightly.

"I guess it comes naturally!" I tease and laugh back, but then I remember, that's what Gwen said to me on our date earlier. I really hope she's okay for now. We need to save her like ASAP!

The lady returns. "You're in luck. He's not busy. He wants to see you. Right this way!"

We follow her to Nick's office. I'm having mixed emotions towards him. I mean, I need to see him so that he could possibly help us, but I'm just so mad at what he's been doing to Gwen!

When we enter the room, she introduces us to him and leaves the room. Nick sits there silently for a moment and then bursts into laughter.

"Is this some kind of a joke?!" he exclaims. "You know I'm not stupid right?"

"What's a joke?" I ask in my British accent.

"Stop messing around Peter Parker and Flash Thompson! I know who you guys are!"

"Really? It was that noticeable?" I ask.

"Yes. Just because you guys were wearing fake mustaches and you were talking with a British accent, it doesn't disguise you guys at all. Only an idiot would fall for that!"

"Says the guy who disguised Gwen only with red hair and a fake name!" I exclaim.

"You will not talk to me like that, Mr. Parker!" Nick tells me. "Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir," I tell him.

"So what's going on?" he asks.

I explain to him everything that happened about how we know about Gwen being alive and her whole situation and how she got kidnaped. But I told him a million times that it was my fault, not Gwen's.

"Yeah, of course I'll help. It's my job to keep her safe anyway."

"Okay, thank you so much!" I tell him.

"Yeah, but just remember, after we rescue her, we'll be taking her somewhere else, and we might possibly erase her memory of you," he says.

I don't say anything right now. I'll say something later, just not now. I can't get on his bad side.

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