Chapter 35 Peter's POV

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I continue dodging Harry's pumpkin bombs while shooting webs at him and making sure he doesn't try going in another room. I can't let him hurt Gwen again!

"You do realize you're not getting anywhere with this, right?" Harry says. "I mean, we both know you can't defeat me. This is just going to keep going on and on...until you die. The bomb will be going off in seconds."

Crap, I forgot about the bomb! How could Flash and I possibly try to find the bomb and stop it if Harry and Felicia keeping attacking us?! I'm sure some of Nick's assistants are looking for it, but what good is that going to do? If they stopped the bomb, they would have told us by now.

All of a sudden, a random object roles in front of me. I pick it up. It's the bomb, but it's not counting down. It stopped. Someone has stopped it!

But how? And who?

"Ha!" I exclaim showing the device to Harry.

"Impossible!" Harry exclaims. "I don't understand! Felicia, you said you hid it in a good spot."

"I did," Felicia says.

"Well clearly you didn't since someone found it and stopped it!" Harry retorts.

"Well that's not my problem!" she says sternly.

"It is if you care about us!"

"Us?" she laughs. "There was never an us!"

"What?" Harry asks shocked.

"You heard me! And there never will be."

Now she decides to tell him the truth. I'd love to see where this is going!

"But I thought you..."

Harry starts but Felicia interrupts him saying, "Me? Loving you?! You really think I would fall for you, looking like that? Please, I was only dating you for the money. That's what I do! I just find guys that can make me rich. Until, I found Peter!"

"What?!" Harry shouts.

"What?!" I echo. Now I do not like where this is going at all!

"Yes, Peter, I do," she tells me. "I love you!"

"Um you call threantening to shoot me eariler loving me?!" I exclaim.

"I wasn't going to shoot you. I was just pretending to be against you, and I also wanted the medicine. I would have killed you if I wanted too. Remember when you rescued Gwen? I saw you take her. I have night vision. I could have told Harry if I wanted too, but instead I protected you. Think about it Peter! We can start a life together. We can take the medicine for ourselves and sell it to people. We'll be rich!"

"Sorry, but I'm taken," I tell her.

"Really?" she asks. "You're going to choose Gwen over me? She's not even pretty! And I'm way smarter than her."

"I disagree one hundred percent!"

"Just kiss me!"

Before I can dodge her, someone tackles her to the ground.

Gwen? What? How? I don't even know anymore!"

Gwen slaps Felicia across the face. "Don't even think about trying to kiss my boyfriend again!" Gwen says. "And I'd think again about what you said. Let's see, hiding the bomb in the same room I was in, making the passcode be a "Frozen Free Fall" task, knowing I play that game 24/7, I think we both know that was a dumb move. Oh and did I mention I was Valedictorian at my high school? Where you Valedictorian at yours?"

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