Chapter 15 Peter's POV

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 I get into my Spider-Man suit and wait for Flash to come into the room. I decide to tell him this way, because he won't talk to me as Peter. Let's just say, he's very good at giving people the silent treatment when he's mad.

 All of a sudden, the door opens. Flash just stands there in shock, not saying anything. Then he finally start to yell, "OH MY..." but I shut him up by shooting a web on his mouth.

 "Sorry, I had to do that," I tell him. "We can't let people know I'm here. Now can you please shut the door?"

 "Mhm," Flash manages to say and shuts the door.

 "Here, I'll get this off of you if you promise you'll keep quiet," I say. Flash just nods. I take that as an agreement, so I take the web off his mouth.

 "Spider-Man, I just want to let you know I'm a huge fan!" Flash whispers.

 "Aw, thanks bro!" I exclaim.

 "I have a picture of you as my screen saver and your theme song is my alarm," Flash says.

 "Great...." I awkwardly say.

 "So what are you doing here?" Flash asks. "Shouldn't you be in New York saving people?"

 "Well yes, but I came here to see you, Flash."

 "You came here to see me, and you know my name?!" Flash exclaims and starts breathing heavily.

 "Yes I did," I say. "Now take a deep breath. In. Out. Relax!"

 "Sorry, it's just that you're amazing!" Flash tells me.

 "Thanks, but we really need to talk," I tell him. "You see, Peter wanted me to tell you that he wants to tell you what's going on."

 "Wait, Peter, as in Peter Parker?" Flash asks.

 I nod.

 "You know Peter Parker? That's why you know my name. Peter never told me you guys were friends!"

 "Okay, well that's not important right now!" I say. "The reason Peter is telling me to say this is because he knows you won't talk to him since you're mad at him, and he wants to know that no matter what, you'll always like him, for who he truly is." 

 "Of course I will!" Flash exclaims. "He should know that. We're best friends! I don't understand why he needs you to ask me for him. He could've asked himse... wait." He interrupts himself. "Peter? Is it..."

 "Yes," I say and take off my mask. "How did you know?"

 "Because when you were asking me these silly questions, I realized that I've heard this voice before, and then I knew it was you." We give each other a hug. "Peter, I'm psyched to know that you're Spider-Man! I mean, that's just so cool! But I'll always like you for who you really are. You're my best friend! And I'll always treat you like Peter Parker."

 "Thanks Flash," I say.

 "You're welcome. Just don't be mad if I freak out when I see you in action!"

 We laugh. "I won't," I say.

 "So let me guess, this whole situation has to do with Spider-Man?" Flash asks.

 "Yup," I say. I tell Flash everything starting from how I turned into Spider-Man to the whole situation with Gwen.

 "Wow!" Flash finally says. "I can't believe she has to go through all of this just for some stupid promise! I mean, it's not your fault. They should be mad at Harry!"

 "I know, this whole thing is dumb!" I exclaim.

 "So do you have a plan?" Flash asks.

 "Not yet," I answer. "But right now, I have to think about what I'm going to say to Aunt May. I don't want her to think that I'm crazy!"

 "Just blame it on me!" Flash says. "Tell her that I thought it was Gwen too. I'll even tell her that myself to prove that you're not lying."

 "Okay, thanks," I say.

 I dial Aunt May's number. She picks up. "Hello," she says.

 "Hey Aunt May!" I say back. "How was your day?"

 "It was good, how about yours?"

 "Ditto," I say. Flash gestures for me to bring him into the conversation too, so I say, "Flash wants to say hi so I'm going to put you on speaker."

 "Okay," Aunt May says. I put her on speaker.

 "Hey Mrs. Parker," Flash says.

 "Hello Flash, how have you been?"

 "I'm doing great, how about you?"

 "I'm good. So Peter, did you find out if she was Gwen?" Aunt May had to ask!

 "Yeah, about that, it wasn't her. Flash and I just thought it was her, but it's just some other redhead that looks a lot like her."

 "Yeah, it wasn't her," Flash goes along with me.

 "But didn't you say that she also sounded like her?" Aunt May asks.

 "Yeah, she sounds like Gwen, but she's not her," Flash answers for me.

 "Guys, is everything okay?" Aunt May asks.

 "Of course!" I exclaim. "Why wouldn't it be?"

 "Just asking," Aunt May says. "Well I won't keep you guys, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, Peter."

 "Okay, goodnight Aunt May," I say.

 "Goodnight Mrs. Parker," Flash says.

 "Goodnight boys," Aunt May says and then hangs up.

 "That was weird," Flash says.

 "Yeah, I think she's suspicious," I agree.

 "Well, we don't know for sure, I mean, how could she figure out what's going on?"

 "True," I say. "Well I'm going to text Gwen now."

 "Okay," Flash says. "Hey, can you make a group chat with all three of us? I want to talk to her too."

 "Sure," I say.

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