Chapter 31 Peter's POV

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 We enter the main room finding Nick waiting for us. "You were over a minute," Nick tells me.

 "I'm sorry clock sheriff," I retort.

 "Just be ready," he says. "They'll be coming any second."

 Nick leaves the room to check on his assistants. Flash and I stand there preparing ourselves. Five minutes go by. Nothing happens. Five more minutes go by. Nothing happens.

 I sigh. "This is getting boring!" I look over at Flash and find him playing Candy Crush. "Flash, this is not the time to be playing games right now!"

 "First of all, it's not just a game," Flash protests. "Second, I'm bored. Nothing's happening."

 "Well that can change any second...."

 "Just shut up and help me bring the cherry down!"


 I couldn't argue because there really wasn't anything going on. Maybe he's trying to psych us out. Maybe Harry and his villains won't be coming till tomorrow. Maybe even next week!

 Flash finally gets the cherry down and wins the level. "Dude, you should just play Frozen Free Fall," I tell him. "This game is just a waste of time."

 "EXCUSE ME?!" he exclaims.

 "Sorry not sorry," I say and laugh lightly.

 "Suckers," a voice says.

 We turn around. It's Felicia as Black Cat. Flash puts his phone away.

 "Now you put it away," she says. "Hmm, I wonder what Nick would think right now. He put two pathetic idiots in charge. Like seriously, who plays Candy Crush?"

 "Well actually, that was Flash," I clarify myself. "Frozen Free Fall is my game."

 Flash gives me a look.

 "Ooo, big difference!" she exclaims. "This is why you don't have a girlfriend anymore, Flash. Girls don't like guys who play childish games."

 "Actually, I do," Flash tells her. "Her name is Gabby. She loves me and I love her. She's the most beautifulest, sweetest, funniest, and awesomest girlfriend ever, more than you could've ever been."

 "Like I care! I've got a better a boyfriend. He's rich."

 "Yeah, and green, and wrinkly. But I guess you're blinded by that because all you see is money. Let's just say, relationships like that don't last long at all like ours didn't."

 All of a sudden, Felicia points a gun at him. "Since you keep talking, you my as well tell me where the medicine is now, or I'll kill you, and you won't get to live happily ever with your precious girlfriend."

 "I have no idea where it is," Flash tells her.

 "Oh you think I won't kill you?" she asks. "How cute!"

 Before I know it she shoots his leg.

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