Chapter 32 Peter's POV

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 The bullet hits Flash's leg. He winces in pain. Angry fills up inside of me. She thinks she can just hurt my best friend?! I don't think so! I run up to her and start shooting webs at her. But then she points the gun at me.

 "I'm not scared to shoot you either," Felicia tells me. "Just tell me where the medicine is."

 "He won't be telling you anything," Nick says from behind her with a gun pointed at her. Felicia turns around and looks at him. "Get out!" he tells her. Felicia reluctantly leaves the building.

 I run back to Flash. "Hey, you okay?"

 "Yeah, I'm fine," he tells me.

 "Come on, let's get the bullet out before they come back."

 "No, it can wait. We need to be prepared."

 "Flash, let's go!"

 I take his hand and follow Nick as he takes us to the hospital area. After the nurses take Flash, I turn to Nick. "You were late," I tell him.

 "No I was on time," he says. "Just in time that she couldn't kill you."

 "I know, I'm sorry," I say. "Thanks for saving me."

 "No problem," he says.

 A few minutes later, Flash comes back with no wound. "Wow, that was fast!" I exclaim.

 "Yeah, they just took the bullet out and injected me with a shot that healed my wound in seconds," he tells me. "I feel so much better, and stronger, and faster!"

 "That's great!" I exclaim. "But how did it cure you that quickly? You healed a lot faster than I would with my spider powers."

 "I don't know," he replies.

 I start to get curious about this medicine so I ask Nick, "What's in the medicine?"

 "I can't answer that," Nick replies. "It's top secret."

 "Okay, but does it always heal people that quickly?"

 "Yes very quickly. Quicker than any other medicine. But it depends on how bad the injury or illness is. The shortest could be a second, but the longest could be a month. Now enough questions and let's get back to work."

 As we walk back to the main room, I think to myself. Why are they so secretive about this medicine? What's the big deal? What makes it so special? Nick said the longest it can take to heal someone would be a month. Gwen was in a coma for a month. This must be the medicine they used to heal her. This must be the one Harry's after. And the fact that it heals people quickly, could it contain the blood of a radioactive spider.....?

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