Chapter 14 Peter's POV

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 A few seconds later, Gwen texts me back. "Hey bugboy!"

 "I miss hearing you call me that, lol," I tell her.

 "Haha," she says.

 "So how was your day?" I ask her.

 "It was awesome since I got to talk to you again," she replies. "Hbu?"

 "Couldn't have been better since I got to talk to the most beautiful girl in the world," I tell her.

 "Why am I so lucky to have such a romantic superhero as my boyfriend?!" Gwen exclaims.

 "You really think of me as a superhero?" I ask.

 "Of course!" Gwen says. "Well at least you're my hero."

 "Thanks," I say. "Oh and btw, did I text u too early?"

 "No, not at all!" she says. "Always text me no earlier than 8. 8 should be fine usually but if I'm out then, I can't text you. I'll let you know ahead of time if I have something going on so you should be fine."

 "Oh ok," I say. "So how was that Nick guy? Was he suspicious about the bracelet?

 "I don't think so," she says. "He just said that he trusts me to have self control no matter what."

 "He's weird!" I exclaim.

 "Don't get me started!" she says back. "So wyd?"

 "Just texting u," I say. "Hbu?"

 "Playing Frozen Free Fall."


 "Yes why?" Gwen asks.



 "What level r u on?" I ask her.

 "Well I just go it today so I'm on 15," she says. "U?"


 "Don't worry, I'll catch up to u, bugboy!"

 "We'll see," I say. "So I need to ask you something."

 "What is it?"

 "Well, Flash kinda knows it's u and noticed that u were acting different too."

 "Yeah, I kind of noticed that," Gwen says.

 "Well Flash wanted to know what's going on, but I didn't tell him because u told me that no one can know about this. Also, he doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man. He's mad at me now. What should I do?"

 "I think u should tell him," she says. 


 "Yeah, you guys seem like great friends now, and u shouldn't let some silly argument like this get in the way!"

 "Okay, but do u think it's wise for me to tell him I'm Spider-Man?" I ask. "Because he's OBSESSED with Spider-Man, and what if he'll never treat me the same if he finds out."

 "Peter, if he's a true friend, he'll like u for u, like I love u for you."

 "Thanks Gwen, or should I call u Mary Jane even though we're texting?"

 "Either's fine."

 "Oh and there's something else I should tell u...." I say.


 "Well I kind of told Aunt May what's going on...."


 "Hey, it's not my fault! I told her last night and I didn't know what was going on!" I protest.

 "I know, but if she ever brings up this topic tell her u were mistaken, okay?" she tells me. "I'll be in so much trouble if she finds out and then tells my parents, because S.H.I.E.L.D will find out. You have to do this for me!"

 "So you're telling me that u want Aunt May to think I'm a sad depressed man gone crazy!" I say.


 "I'm joking, I'm joking!" I tell her. "I'd do anything for you."

 "Ty, and obviously I don't want that to happen," she says. "I hope everything will be fine with you too."

 "Ty," I say.

 "Yw," she says back.

 "Okay, so I'm going to tell Flash, and then call Aunt May, but I'll text u back when I'm done." I tell her.

 "Okay, I'll just catch up to u on Frozen Free Fall," Gwen says.

 "Oh it's on!" I exclaim. "Ok, then brb, luv ya!"

 "Luv u too!"

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