Chapter 26 Gwen's POV

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 We finally arrive in New York City. I never thought I would ever come back here again. We land in some creepy alley, like the one in London. I follow Harry out the plane, Felicia walking behind me. We enter his lair. Harry tells me to sit on the chair in the corner. I sit down since I have no choice.

 "Harry, do you have my suit ready?" Felicia asks him.

 "Yup, it's in here," he says pointing to the closet.

 "Why do you need a suit?" I ask Felicia.

 "Because I'm Black Cat," she replies.

 "No wonder you're obsessed with cats!" I exclaim.

 All of a sudden, the other villains from Harry's Sinister Six group come in. "Gwen, this is Rhino, Sandman, and Doctor Octopus," Harry introduces them to me. "Guys, this is Gwen, who's about to be 'Goblin Girl'."

 All of the villains laugh an evil laugh. Harry gets out the needle with the serum. Great! Peter's probably not coming, but I still can't let him inject me with that. Think, Gwen, think! Hm, I know! Why would he need to inject me if I'm already "bad"?

 "You know, Harry, there's no need for you to inject me with that serum," I tell him.

 "And just why wouldn't I?" he asks.

 "Because I'm on your side."

 Everyone laughs after I say that.

 "You, against Peter?!" Harry exclaims. "I'm not buying that. You're in love with him!"

 "No I'm not," I lie.

 "You just went on a date with him," Felicia chimes in. "Don't tell us you're not."

 "Guys, I'm just tricking him," I lie again.

 "Okay, why would you possibly hate Peter?" Harry asks.

 Ugh, did he really have to ask me that. Hmm, what could I "hate" about Peter? "Because he's so insecure of himself! He can't make up his mind if he wants to be with me or not. Like today, he said he might break up with me because he's tired of me beating him at Frozen Free Fall."

 "Really?!" Harry says. "He would break up with you over that?"

 "Yes!" I lie once again trying to convince him.

 "Well if you're on our side, how about you make up the plan!" he says.

 "Easy! While Sandman, Rhino, and Doctor Octopus, attack the city, us three can go rob some banks to practice stealing. Stealing from S.H.I.E.L.D is VERY had. Trust me! And plus, that means more money for us! And then we'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D and do the real deal."

 "Ooo, money!" Felicia exclaims. "That sounds like a good idea!" Of course it does for you, gold digger!

 "Alright, I'm in," Harry says.

 All of a sudden, the lights go out. What's going on? It feels like a spider-web is on my mouth. Before I know it, I'm lifted out of the building.

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