Chapter 28 Peter's POV

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 I swing Gwen and myself off of the Empire State Building and back to S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters. I am really not looking forward to seeing Nick again! I'm sure Gwen isn't either. When we arrive, Flash comes up to us and gives us a hug.

 "You made it back!" Flash says. "I'm glad you guys are okay!"

 "Thanks, Flash," I say.

 "Yeah, thanks," Gwen says.

 "You're welcome," he says.

 "You made it!" We turn around. It's Nick. "Good job, Peter. You actually saved her this time."

 "You know, you looked a lot better with your mouth webbed," I tell him. "I can web it for you again if you'd like."

 "I told you, you're not to talk to me like that," Nick says.

 I glance at Gwen. She's trying not to laugh.

 "We finally meet again, miss Watson, and you think it's okay to laugh at me," he says to her.

 "I was just laughing at what Peter said," Gwen says.

 "And you think that's okay?"

 "Yes, sir. It's perfectly fine to laugh at what my boyfriend says. And yes, I called him my BOYFRIEND because HE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY BOYFRIEND AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!"

 Nick just stands there. He finally goes to another room.

 "Looks like you did a better job at shutting him up than my webs did!" I tell Gwen.

 "Well, that needed to be said. And about that, you shot webs at Nick?"

 "He made me lose my temper! He kept putting me down saying that I had to practice shooting my webs because he thought I couldn't save you, and he kept putting me down saying that I'm not as mature as the avengers. I also did it to get back at him for all the crap he gave you."

 "Man, I wish I was here for this!" Gwen exclaims. "I would love to see him get webbed."

 "Yeah, and you also missed sassy Peter," Flash adds. "He kept back talking him. It was great! Oh and we also pretended to be British spies only with fake mustaches and Peter used a really good accent to get back at Nick for only disguising you with red hair and a different name."

 "Man I missed a lot after being kidnapped for several hours!" Gwen says. "Peter, I didn't know you have a British accent."

 "Yeah, I kind of taught myself one day when I was bored," I say in a British accent. 

 "Wow, you can pull it off!" she tells me. "You know, you sound attractive with it."

 "Well thanks, chap!" I say with the accent again and we both laugh.

 "And Peter, don't ever let Nick get to you," Gwen says. "To me, your way better than any of the avengers."

 "Well it's easier to deal with him when you're around," I say and kiss her.

 A few seconds later, we pull away and Flash says, "Guys, Nick just walked back into the room but when he saw you kissing, he walked back out."

 "Wow, he hates us being together that much!" I exclaim.

 "Excuse me, you're Flash Thompson, right?" One of the agents ask him.

 "Yes, why?" Flash asks.

 "I'm your girlfriend's father. I cleared everything up with her. She's not mad at you. I got you guys back together."

 "Oh thank you, sir," he tells him. "How did you find out about.."

 "Gabby called me. She told me your name and I remembered that one of you guys were named Flash so I explained everything to her. She wants to video chat with you. You have my permission to do it for a few minutes."

 "Thank you very much, sir," Flash says.

 "Your welcome," Gabby's dad says. "And Peter, don't worry, Gabby will keep your secret."

 "Thank you, sir," I tell him.

 "No problem!" he says and walks away.

 "I'll be right back, I'm going to video chat Gabby," Flash tells us and runs to another room. 

 "Flash has a girlfriend?" Gwen asks.


 "Aw, that's so cute! How long have they been dating?"

 "Since yesterday. They went on a date when we went on ours."

 "Oh wow!"

 "Yeah, it's weird. They just met yesterday and Flash is actually in love with her."


 "Yup, but in a way I'm not surprised because according to what he told me, she hates homework, just like him, and we both no there's nothing more Flash hates than homework," I say and we both laugh.

 "Yeah, I remember back when I used to tutor him, he would always pretend he did his work, which was pointless because I always ended up finding out," Gwen says. "At least it did him some good since he got in to Oxford."

 "Well, you are a good teacher." I tell her.

 "How do you know? I've never taught you anything."

 "Well, you didn't have to tutor me for me to know that you are a good teacher because you're valedictorian, the best in the class!" I exclaim. "But you did teach me something."

 "And what's that?"

 "How lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend."

 "Not as lucky as I am to have my favorite super hero and favorite guy in the world as my boyfriend."

 "I love you," I tell her and smile as I put her hair behind her ear.

 "I love you too," she tells me.

 "You look beautiful with red hair, you know," I say. "And I'll always love you, no matter what hair color Nick makes you have," I say and laugh slightly.

 "I'll always love you too Peter, no matter what," she says.

 "No matter what," I repeat back and kiss her. She kisses me back.

 A moment later, Gwen pulls away. "Want to go eavesdrop on Flash?" she asks and laughs.

 "Alright miss nibby nose!" I agree and laugh as I follow her to the other room.

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