Chapter 33 Peter's POV

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 When we enter the main room, Flash starts running in circles. He's starting to scare me. "I'VE NEVER FELT THIS GREAT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!" he exclaims and keeps running. Now he's really scarring me.

 "Um Flash, don't you think you should stop running so you can be prepared this time?" I ask.

 "Oh come on Peter, don't you want to run with me?"

 "No not really."

 "Flash, I'm not going to ask you again, please stop running," Nick tells him.

 "Fine party pooper!" Flash gives in.

 "It's a side effect," Nick informs me. "The medicine makes you a little too energetic for about an hour."

 "Well that explains everything," I say.

 All of a sudden, Harry and Felicia crash into the building with his glider. "Thought I was gone for good?" Felicia asks and laughs slightly. "I was only bringing company."

 "Yeah, just one extra person!" I say. "Hmm, three against two....I think we know who's going to win."

 "Yeah and that's us," Harry says. "You see, before your little fight with Felicia earlier, she hid a bomb in this building. It will go off in exactly five minutes. So basically, you have five minutes to tell me where the medicine is. If you tell me where it is and let me have it, I'll stop the bomb. If not, I'll let it explode, and you'll all die in here. So you better make your decision quickly!"

 "Yeah, and you're not getting it!" I exclaim.

 "Alright then! Maybe this will change your mind."

 Harry throws a pumpkin bomb at me and I dodge it. I start shooting webs at him. Felicia starts to attack Flash. He fights back. Nick runs over to me and starts shooting bullets at Harry. I tell Nick to stop because I want to try to talk some sense into Harry. I know there's still good in him. I know my old friend is somewhere deep inside.

 "Harry, this isn't you!" I say while I keep fighting.

 "You're right!" he says. "I'm not Harry. I'm the Green Goblin!"

 "No, I mean this isn't the real you! I know my best friend is still somewhere in there. Harry, please don't do this! You know I want the best for you, which is why I never gave you my blood."

 "Sure you do!" he says sarcastically. 

 "Look, even though you kidnapped my girlfriend twice, tried to kill her, tried to make her evil, and now trying to kill all of us in here, I forgive you, and you're still my best friend. Can't we just move on? I'll try to find some other way you can possibly be cured."

 "Never!" Harry exclaims. "I'll never move on and you never were and never will be my best friend!"

 He's nuts. He really is!

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