Chapter 25 Peter's POV

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Three minutes go by and we board Nick's ship. After we take off, Flash asks, "So would Harry be able to track us since we're in the sky too and we're not flying in a normal plane?"

"He shouldn't be able to because we're taking a different direction," Nick replies. "Plus both Headquaters in London and New York are watching us right now, so they'll let us know if we're in danger."

A minute later, Flash's phone rings. He picks it up. "Hey Gabby!" he says. He listens and then says, "Yeah, I had a great time with you too." Then he says, "I'm sorry I can't. I'm very busy right now!" A minute later he says, "I can't tell you right now. Things are just complicated. I'll explain later." Then he says, "No, I'm not cheating on you. Please trust me!" She hangs up on him.

Flash sits back down next to me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Gabby called to tell me that she had a great time with me tonight, and she wanted to video chat with me," he explains. "I told her I can't right now because I'm busy. I told her I can't tell her what's going on but I said I would later. She thinks I'm cheating on her since I'm not telling her. I told her I'm not but she doesn't believe me."

"Aw that stinks man," I say. "I'm really sorry to hear that. But don't worry, there's plenty of girls out there for you!"

"Yeah, but they're not like Gabby."

"Flash, you just met her today! How do you know she's the one?"

"Because she is!" he exclaims. "She's sweet, beautiful, funny, has a wonderful personality, and hates homework like me."

"Wow Flash!"

A moment later, Flash can tell I'm worried about Gwen, so he tells me, "We'll save her. Don't worry! This ship goes faster than Harry's private jet, so you're fine!"

"Thanks, Flash!"

"No problem!" he says. "You should probably get some sleep since we'll be fighting soon."

"Yeah," I agree.

Ten minutes go by and I'm the only one besides Nick and the driver that's awake. I just can't stop thinking about Gwen. Is it really my fault that she's in danger? Should have I never gotten back together with her? Is Nick right?


I find myself on top of the Oscorp building. This reminds me of the night I fought Doctor Curtis Connors as the Lizard and when Gwen's dad died.


I turn around. It's Gwen's dad.

"Captain Stacy," I say. "I thought you were dead!"

"This is just in your head, Peter," he tells me. Am I dreaming?

"I just wanted to tell you that you finally got it right," he says.

"I got what right?" I ask.

"What I wanted you to promise. I never said you couldn't date Gwen. I just wanted you to leave her out of crime scenes, because I know she likes to help out, which she can, just in the right way."

"So when you said, 'Leave Gwen out of it,' you meant out of the bad situations?"

"Exactly. The reason why you kept seeing me before was not because you were with Gwen. I just wanted to make sure you knew what I meant by the promise, and I wanted to make sure you'll keep her safe. Now that I know that, you won't be seeing me anymore."

"But Harry kidnapped Gwen," I tell him.

"I know, and you'll save her."

"But what about Nick? After this battle, he's going to take Gwen away again and might possibly erase her memory. He doesn't trust me!"

"Well, you're going to have make him," Captain Stacy says. "I don't want my daughter with him. I support you one hundred percent, Peter. I mean, he's also keeping her from her own family. Because of him, they've been thinking she's dead all this time! So I want you to do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Don't let Nick take Gwen, under any circumstances! You promise me?"

"I promise," I tell him. "Thanks for supporting me."

"Anything for my daughter's boyfriend!" he says. "Oh, and tell Gwen I said I love her."

"I will," I say.


I wake up and find myself in the ship. It was just a dream, but a helpful dream.

"Come on, Peter! We're here!" Flash tells me.

I get up and follow everyone out of the ship. When we enter the S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters building, Nick gets up in front of everyone and says, "Okay, here's the plan. Everyone is going to stay here for now, while Peter is going to go to Harry's secret hideout and rescue Gwen. Then, he's going to come back with her. Agents, that will be your cue to go out into the city and wait for the villains to come out. Then Peter, Flash, and I will guard the building. Is everyone good?"

"Well, how am I going to rescue Gwen?" I ask.

"You're going to wear this chip which we'll communicate with you like telling you where to go and making sure you're safe. There's a little opening in the roof where you'll enter the building. Then you're going to make the power go out so everything will be pitch black. That's when you'll take Gwen. Oh and you'll also need to wear these." Nick gives me some sort of sunglasses. "They're night vision goggles made to luck like sunglasses so that no one will notice," he explains. "They will help you see in the dark."

"Thanks," I say.

"So are you going to test out your web shooters?" Nick asks.

"Why would I test them out?" I ask back.

"Just to make sure you'll be able to save her this time," he says. Is he actually kidding me?

"Fine, let's practice!" I shoot a web at his face. "That's for making me think Gwen was dead all this time!" I tell him. Then I shoot a web at his mouth. "And that's for giving my girlfriend crap!" I exclaim and swing out of the building.

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