Chapt1--- The Deal

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"I know your cheating on me Drake!" I screamed. I was answered with a slap in the face.

"Then break up with me. But if you do.. Keep in mind your a worthless, slutty, bitch that only I love." He said. He kicked me in the stomach.

Hours later, after beatings and beatings, I arrived home. Luke saw my puffy cheeks and my red eyes. I walked away. I didn't realize I was followed. "What did he do this time." Luke stated. I cried. Luke pulled me to him.

"Hemmings! Get te fuck off my bitch!" Drake said.

Ashton came outside. "My sister isn't your bitch!" He said. Drake nodded.

"That's why we fucked yesterday? And the day before? And the day before?" Drake asked us.

"I'm still a virgin!" I screamed. I was pulled away from Luke and pushed to the ground.

"You won't be tomorrow!" Drake said. He kicked my stomach.

Luke pushed him away from me. I was coughing. Drake grabbed my arm and yanked me to him. I dug my nails into his wrist. "SHIT! You little whore!" Drake screamed.

I ran to Luke. "We're over!" I screamed at Drake. I cried into Luke's shirt. I held tightly.

I heard Michael scream Ashton's name. Luke pushed me to Calum and jumped into the fist fight of Ashton and Drake. I broke away from Calum.

I ran. I ran. I ran.

I ran to a bridge. I stared at it for a minute. I climbed onto the ledge. I started to bend my knees to jump, but strong arms grabbed my waist. "No."

I turned to face Luke. "Your perfect, amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, smart, adorable, cute, tiny, fucking awesome! Your named after a Princess god dammit!" Luke whispered to me, holding me close.

"Let me die." I said sternly, "all I do is cause problems. I deserve to die!" I screamed. I pushed Luke away, and jumped I've the bridge ledge.

"JASMINE!" Luke screamed. I fell underwater. I knew I couldn't swim. I heard a splash. I heard males screaming. I need air.

I tried to breath and I was drowning now. I sank, down and down... I blacked out when the same strong arms wrapped around me and brought me to the surface.

I almost committed suicide that night.

I almost died.

What's wrong with me?! Did Drake do this to me? Twisted my mind, then ate my soul out? Who would ever love me? I'm worthless, ugly, and fat.

I was out cold but I could hear and feel everything. Luke brought me to sand. I heard all the guys, but they were distant. Luke put his head to my chest.

"No! No no NO NO NO!" Luke screamed.

He pushed in my chest, then plugged my nose and placed his lips on mine. Was I dead? No, when his lips touched mine there was a spark... I can't be.

Luke repeated this action for about five minutes. "What are you doing to my sister?" Ashton asked.

"SHE'S DEAD! SHE CAN'T BE!" Luke screamed and continued repeating.

I heard Ashton sobbing into someone, and then it happened.

I opened my eyes, and began coughing. Luke grabbed me by the waist, and tightly hugged me. Ashton pulled me away from him.

"What happened?!" He screamed at me. I pointed to the bridge.

"Y- You tried to kill yourself?" Ashton asked me. I nodded.

"How did you- Luke?" Ashton asked us. I saw Luke's face drop.

"I jumped after her, I knew she couldn't swim!" Luke said.

"You could have died yourself! Then ruined the band!" Ashton said. "We would have gone back to being nobodies, you in school for the next few weeks, and me in a video shop tapping on shit and singing."

I felt a pang in my chest. Ashton only cared about the band. "This isn't about the band, Ashton! This is about your sister! She almost DIED and your worried about the fucking band!?" Luke screamed at Ashton.

I started to walk away. "I'm going home." I said, and walked away.

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