Chapt29--- Im Skipping Steps..

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"Okay.. Before we start this song. I have to ask Jasmine Irwin to come on up here?" Luke asked.

Security pushed me onstage. I looked around. I hugged each of the guys. "Okay. So Jasmine. I would just like to say that dance was amazing." Michael said.

"Agreed." Calum said.

"Hi sis!" Ashton said.

"Hi Ash!" I laughed.

"Jasmine. We have known each other for... A very long time. About four years now? I have messed up a few times in the past, I know. But..." Luke said.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I promise to not fuck up like last time." Luke said.

"I... Yes." I said. Luke placed his lips on mine. "Now you have a song to perform!" I said.

I ran offstage and the guys began singing If You Dont Know. Luke looked at me a few times. I couldn't stop smiling.

I missed him so much. I missed his voice, his face, his warmth, his adorable lip ring, his strength. Him.

I think it's safe to say.. If he asked me to marry him right now Id be crazy if I said no.

It took me so long to get that dance. All I could think about was Luke and the guys. I never had time to call or Skype any of them because I was too busy thinking about them and not getting that dance!

I really missed them. Suddenly I realized something. I heard a scream. "Christina?!"

I turned. "Your Luke's girlfriend?" The girl asked. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I said. She squealed.

"I loved you in that dance! I think you and Luke are perfect for each other!" She giggled.

"Aww thanks!" I said.

"Can you sign this and can I have a picture?!" She asked.

I nodded. She handed me a white 5SOS shirt. I signed the fabric as the guys came out. "Guys.. Come sign this!" I said.

They all ran over and signed the shirt. "Oh my god! Luke! You and Jasmine are PERFECT!" The girl squealed.

"Really? Thank you! What's your twitter? We will all follow you." Luke smiled.

I took a picture with the girl. "I'm sorry but we really gotta go!" Ashton said. The girl nodded.

"Bye!" She said.

After the VMA's.


We sat in the car, and Jasmine instantly fell asleep.

We got home, and I picked up Jasmine. She stirred. I carefully brought us to my room. I set her down, and got out one of my nirvana shirts. One withOUT holes and cuts.

I unzipped the back of her dark blue, ruffly dress, and pulled it off of her. She already had black spandex on.. So she saved me some troubles haha. I pulled the shirt over her head and her arms through the arm holes.

She looked adorable.

I missed her so much. I missed her voice, her face, her warmth, her power, her confidence, her cute little nose ring. Her.

If I could... I'd ask her to marry me right now. Right here.. In my room.

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