Chapt13--- The Show

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We got to the arena, and Luke took my hand. "Paul will let you know when to go out but actually we have an interview set up for you!" He said. I nodded.

During the interview the host almost ruined my relationship with Luke. "So, I'm aware that you knew about the first interview Luke had after your first breakup?" He asked. "Luke quoted, 'I don't think I ever see myself dating her again, A girl who can't bother to try to keep a relationship together is a girl I don't want to bother trying to be with."..

I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. They didn't know me and Luke were dating. "After a year your still touched by those words?" He asked.

"Yeah. I- I can't do this. I'm sorry." I said and ran out.

"Luke, she freaked out an ran out of the interview. She was bawling her eyes out." Paul said to Luke.

I saw them turn a corner, and Luke faced me. "Jasmine!" He said. I turned an walked away.

"Jasmine!" He said again, grabbing my hand. I swung around and slapped him.

"Why are you bothering?! A girl who can't bother to try to keep a relationship together is a girl you don't want to bother trying to be with right?!" I asked. His face dropped.

"N- No! That was a year ago! I wasn't thinking!" He tried to explain.

"Stop! Just STOP!" I screamed at him.

"I'm going home!" I said with immense attitude and walked away.


I watched her walk away. Why didn't I say something to make her stop?! She left the arena and I screamed.

Ashton ran around the corner. "Luke! Are you okay?" He asked.

"J-Jasmine hates me!" I cried out. Ashton shook his head.

"No! She can't!" He said.

"She just LEFT Ashton! GONE!" I screamed at him.

"Shhh! Relax! It will be alright, whatever happened. We have a show now though. Try not to cry in our songs!" Ashton said.

During the song Amnesia, I cried.

"I r-remember the day you told me y-you were leaving." I stopped singing. I froze. This reminded me of Jasmine.

Michael took my singing place. I ran out in tears.

I sat in a hall, and a girl walked up "Luke Hemmings?" A blonde haired green eyes girl asked.

"Y-Yeah. What's up?" I asked, hiding my tears and wiping them off.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh, uh. My girlfriend is really REALLY mad at me. She ran out with her makeup running down her face and that song just hit me hard." I said. She nodded. She got up.

"I'm actually one of Jasmines friends. She didnt tell me to come here, I just did. And I also got all of you singing, and that conversation in video. I'm going to go save your relationship now!" She said and ran away.

I sat in the hall bawling my eyes out. The guys came out and noticed what happened. "Luke!" Michael said.

"Dammit." Ashton said. "My sister is going to pay!" He exclaimed.

"I- I don't know what to do!" I said through a wall of tears flowing down my face.

"Your gonna run home before she leaves all of us. Stop her." Ashton said. He was looking at his phone.

I got up. "What?"

"She's leaving all of us in a bit. Fuck the show, you need to go stop her." Ashton said. "Luke- SHE'S GONNA KILL HERSELF!" He screamed at me.

I whipped around and ran. I ran down the halls, out of the arena, through the paparazzi, through the streets of Sydney, Australia.

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