Chapt27--- The Dirty Deed

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"So.. You were pretty loud last night." Michael said casually.

I blushed. Yeah.. Luke and I had done it. The nasty. The dirty deed.

Basically.. We fucked.

It was honestly.. Amazing. Luke looked at me no different than he had before. Ashton glared at Luke.

"So tell me.. Was she good?" Calum laughed. "Was she hot naked?"

"Shut up!" Luke said. "And yes to both." He muttered as he walked away.

"Hey Jasmine.. Wanna get some later?" Calum asked.

Luke threw a pillow at his face. "Mine." He said.

We had an interview today, but made the mistake of this. I walked into the bathroom, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I screamed.


I walked out, with a medium sized hickey on my neck. Luke bit his knuckles. "Ohhh yeh.. Definitely mine." He said.

Ashton's eyes went wide. "It looked like a heart!" Calum exclaimed.

"WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW TODAY!" I screamed. Luke's eyes went wide.

"Oh." He said.

"Oh? OH! That's ALL you can say?!" I screamed. I walked back into the bathroom.

I grabbed my foundation. I started to apply it to the hickey. It was barely noticeable. I applied powder foundation next to give it a normal skin look.

"You are SO lucky I can cover this up!" I spat. I walked to my room.

"What the hell are you doing in here Michael?!" I asked.

"I need socks." He said.

"I don't have man socks!" I said. Today was just not my day. First the hickey, now man socks?

"Just.. Get OUT!" I said.

Michael ran out of my room. "Guys, give her a break. After everything she does for us.. For our career?" Ashton said. "She could be off with her dancing career but the reason why she chose not to was because she didn't want us to fall apart."

"He's right." Calum said. "If it weren't for her.. Were would we be?" Calum asked. Luke sighed.

"In Ashton's garage still." Luke spoke.

"I'd be at home. Luke would be in college, so would Calum," Michael said.

"Jasmine would be dancing across the world." Ashton said. "She put her dreams on hold for us." Ashton sighed.

"I have to apologize. God why do I have to be such a careless dick?" Luke asked.

I was changing so I tried to be quicker.

My shirts got stuck halfway over my head as Luke opened my door. "Here. Let me help." He laughed.

He fixed my shirt and pulled it down. "Not a crop top?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. I'm not in the mood to dress up like I usually do." I said. I turned from Luke to start my makeup.

He placed his hands on my shoulders. He began to rub my shoulders. "I love you. You do so much for all of us." Luke said. I sighed.

"I love you more. And I don't really do that much." I rejected. Luke chuckled.

"You set up our interviews. You make sure we are always in time. You make us food. You do a lot of our laundry. You always make sure we practice. You always make sure we get up in the morning." Luke said.

"I know. But-"

"No. You deserve a break sometimes. Why don't you go and-"

"I'm not starting my dance career." I said with monotone.

"Why not?" He complained.

"Because! It's my JOB to make sure all of those things get done! If I don't your band would be all over the place!" I said.

"So your saying we can't take care of ourselves?" Luke asked.

"Have you seen Michael and Calum?" I asked. "Remember that week I was gone? You had the house empty with food, and there was dirty and clean clothes EVERYWHERE!"

"You don't have faith in us!" Luke said.

"Your right. And I was offered to go to America. Maddy Ziegler can't show up for the VMA's so Sia wants me to perform for her." I said. Luke smiled.

"That's amazing!" Luke said.

"You don't-"

"Go! You'll do awesome!" Luke tried to encourage me.

"I'll be gone for a-"

"How long? A few days? A week?" Luke said.

"A week. I have to learn the dance and then the performance. We can all travel back together." I said.

"Bye Jasmine!" Everyone said as I boarded the plane.

"See you in a week.." I hear Luke say.

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