Chapt4--- Explain

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Luke and I walked in silence. It started to sprinkle. "Well?" He asked, I looked at him. "Explain."

"I don't want you to get hurt. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love you. But I'm also scared of Drake." I said. "Whatever he would do to you will hurt me worse than all of his beatings combined." I started to cry. I walked a little faster, trying to get away. It was raining now.

He grabbed my hand. I turned around. "Please." He said. He looked deep into my eyes, staring straight through my soul. It started to pour. "Don't leave."

"Luke-" I said. He spoke again.

"Jasmine, Dont Leave me!" He said louder. People were looking at us.

"Luke I don't want you to get hurt!" I said. I tried to take my hand but he pulled me closer.

"Jasmine! I won't. I promise!" He started to cry. "Just please tell me one thing.. Yes."

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Shit, I can't say no. I love him, it's raining, and people are watching.

"You had me at will." I said. "Yes." I said again. Luke pulled me close by my waist.

I was soaked. My white Nirvana shirt was see trough.

Luke bent down, and leaned into me.

I got on my tip toes and leaned in. I placed my hands on his chest. Our lips collided. Moving in sync, and smiling.

People were cheering and clapping. I pulled away for air. I bit my lip. He rested an arm around my waist.

We walked home in the rain.

Ashton and everyone were home already. "Luke. What's this?" He asked.

He showed Luke a trending picture on twitter, with a trending hashtag, #JasmineHemmings

It was the picture of us kissing. Luke smiled. "That, my friend, was-"

"Our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend. Now if you excuse me, I need Luke to help me find my sweats!" I said, and pulled Luke into my room.

I searched my dresser for my sweats. "Found them." He said.

"Thanks." I replied. I took the pants off and just began changing. The guys have seen me change before so I didn't care. Luke hasn't seen me change.

"Hey- whoa!" He said and turned around. I laughed.

"Luke, you can watch me change. It doesn't phase me anymore." I said.

I had no shirt on, but my sweats were on. Luke came up behind me, and put his hands on my waist. He began to kiss my shoulder, and me neck.

"L- Luke." I moaned. He chuckled against my skin. His hands rubbed up and down my side.

I fell into Luke's trance. My eyes were closed. "You like this, huh?" He asked. I not my lip to hold a moan. It didn't work very well. "Now I know your weakness!" Luke said and pulled away.

I ignored him. He pissed me off. I was really enjoying that. He noticed. "Aw baby! Are you mad?" He asked.

I ignored him. I began to pull my shirt over my head, but he stopped me. He spun me around.

His hands grazed my sides. I gasped. He was being extremely gentle. Suddenly I got a call. I looked at it.

Drake. I hit end and wrapped my arms around Luke.

"Who was that." He stated. I knew he wasn't going to continue.

I sighed. "Drake. But I hung up. I don't want to deal him." I said. He called again. I hit end once again.

"Jasmine! Drakes here! He said you have a date?" Ashton said, confused.

Luke was pissed at me. "Luke-"

"No. Have fun on your date." He said and walked away. I held the tears back.

I put my shirt on and went to the door. "What the hell do you want!" I asked Drake. He smiled.

"Babe! I'm forgiving you one last time. Come on, we're leaving." He said. He grabbed my wrist. I cried out in pain.

"Ow! Let go of me! I'm not dating you! I never will! Never again!" I screamed.

"I never said you had a choice, Bitch!" Drake screamed. I heard Luke's bedroom door swing open.

"Help me!" I screamed. I swung at Drake, but he grabbed my wrist. He through me onto the ground.

"Leave her alone!" Luke roared. He pushed Drake down, and got on top of him. He swung and swung and swung.

Michael, Ashton, Calum, and the girls came out. The guys pushed Luke over and let Drake leave. I sat on the ground, crying into Suzanna's hug.

Luke saw me. I never saw him that way. Just viciously hitting someone. Luke walked to me. "No! Get away!" I screamed and backed up.

I ran into the house. "Wait! Jasmine stop!" Luke said.

"I never thought of you to be that kind of guy! Just beating on a guy! You could have pushed him away and left him there! But no! You just had to hurt him!" I screamed. I was pouring tears down my face.

"Why do you care if he's hurt or not?! Do you still like him?!" He screamed.

"NO! But it's just feeding him more reasons to HURT you!" I said. I just stood there.

"I'm sorry." He said. Luke walked away, and to his room.

"No. No! NO!" I screamed. I ran after him. I ran in front of him. I threw my arms around him. He didn't hug back.

"Your mad at me." I said, pulling away.

"No. I'm mad at myself." He said. I threw myself at him. He caught me and hugged me tightly.

We layed down on his bed, and I cried. I cried until I fell sleep in his arms.

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