Chapt 14--- Saving Her

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I stood on the edge of the bridge. I hate myself for doing what I did to Luke. I noticed my phone went off.


"Hello?" I answered.

"JASMINE! Please don't hurt yourself! Please! PLEASE!" He screamed into the phone. I hung up.

He shouldn't bother.

This place I'm in is dark and cold, the metal on the bridge is chilly to touch. My phone went off again with tweets and a viral video of Luke.

He ran out offstage during Annesia, and then admitted he fucked up. Except he didn't. I did. I ruined the one thing, my everything I had. I tossed my phone to the side.

I took off my converse, my cardigan, and my suspenders.

I climbed up onto the bridge. I heard fast footsteps, closer and closer.

I bent my legs and jumped. "NOO!" Luke screamed. My arm was yanked back. I was hanging over the bridge, and looked up.

Luke's face was screaming, but no sound came out of him. Just quiet sobs. He pulled me up.

I don't know why but whenever I looked into his eyes, felt worse than killing myself. I was on the ground, standing in front of Luke. I ran my hands through my hair.

I let out a long scream and it turned into cries, and ended with me kneeling to the ground.

I'm ruining his life. I just made him leave a show to come and stop me from killing myself. I made him walk out on a show that could support his career.

"Get up." Luke said. I slowly stood up. "Look at me." He demanded.

I started to walk away. "Stop! I did NOT walk out in a show for you to just LEAVE!" He said. I turned around.

"Come here," Luke said. I walked right into a hug. Luke wasn't going to let me go. I cried into his shirt.

"LUKE HEMMINGS! What's going on here?!" A man screamed.

"Niall, I had to leave." He said. "I wanted to! I needed to!" Luke said.

"Well... Who's this?" The guy called Niall said. I pulled away from Luke.

They engaged in a conversation about what was happening, and I took my chance.

I sharply ran to my right, and pushed off the bridge with my right foot. "JASMINE!" I heard.

I somehow saw someone else jump off.

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