Chapt23--- I Love You More

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I opened my door. Ashton look like he'd been crying. The entire time he was talking I was cutting my wrists, but I kept quiet.

"I love you more." I whispered. He smiled.

He spoke once again. "That's all I needed to hear." Ashton said an walked downstairs.

I wiped all my makeup away and put on sweatpants and a tanktop. I pulled my hair into a bun and ran to Luke's room. I just prayed he didn't see my cuts.

I knocked on the door. Luke opened. He smiled. "I was hoping you'd come down here." Luke said.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I ruined this entire week." I said. His eyes looked to my waist. He sighed.

He picked up my hand and turned my wrist. He saw my cuts. He kissed my wrist gently. "Me too." He said.

"This is why I love you." I said. He flashed me a cheeky smile.

He leaned down to me and as the tips of our noses touched, I licked his bottom lip. He softly laughed.

He placed his lips on mine but we didn't kiss. "We're never cute like this anymore." Luke said. "It rarely happens."

I licked my lips. I pulled back, and nodded. "It's almost doesn't feel right."

Luke sighed. "Are we doing this right now?" He asked. "Breaking up?"

"I- I think so." I whispered.

"Cool." He said. We were silently awkward. He grabbed my face and crashed our lips together.

I gasped. After about five minutes of making out we pulled back. I looked at him. I suddenly just ran out of the room.

I ran with tears in my eyes. I ran past all the guys bawling my eyes out. "Jasmine!" Luke said. I ran out of the house into my backyard. It was a fairly large yard and I ran all the way down it.

I ran until I couldn't anymore. Why am I running? I just ran from anyone for no reason.

I'm such a loser.

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