Chapt5--- Fuck

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I woke up with a serious stomach ache. I didn't want to get up. I had one hand on my belly and another wrapped around Luke. Luke suddenly stirred. His eyes opened slowly.

Luke's blue eyes met my green ones, and smiled. "Good morning Love." He said. I tried to smile.

"M-Morning." I stuttered. He frowned.

"You okay?" He asked, noticing my hand on my stomach.

"No, my stomach hurts." I said. Luke kissed my temple.

"I'm sorry baby.. I love you." He whispered. I smiled.

"It's okay.. I love you." I said back.

"Do you want anything? To eat or to drink?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I don't want you to do everything for me, Luke. I can handle this." I said.

"No." He said. I rolled my eyes and got up. I went to the kitchen, clutching my belly. It hurt like hell.

I grabbed some crackers, and a glass of water. I almost bumped into Luke.

He took the crackers and the water from me. He walked into his room.

I followed, and layed on his bed. He layed next to me. He put a hand on my waist, and slid his hand under my shirt. I whimpered.

"Ow!" I said. Luke pulled his hand out.

He didn't say anything, he just gently lifted my shirt up to just underneath my boob. His eyes went wide.

"Jasmine, you have a huge bruise." Luke said. I shrugged.

"It had to have been from when Drake threw me to the ground." I said.

Luke moved down. He kissed my waist. I shuddered. He knew this had some effect on me, and continued. He kissed the bruise, and it didn't hurt.

He was in between my legs, but nothing sexual was happening. Luke's hands traveled softly up and down my sides. I was frozen. Suddenly my door swung open.

"What the hell?" Michael asked. He suddenly got the wrong idea. "Ooh gonna get some D eh Jazzy?" He laughed. Luke sighed.

"Go the fuck away Mickey." Luke said. Luke turned his attention to me.

"Where was I?" He was rubbing my thighs, making me a little bit excited. Luke noticed. His hand traveled in between my legs. I bit my lip to hold in a moan. His hand slid into my sweatpants. I gasped.

Luke began to rub me through my panties. "I'm so gonna have to get you back." I moaned. Luke chuckled.

After a bit of moaning, Luke moved his hand INSIDE of my panties. "Is this okay with you?" He asked.

"Yesss Luke," I moaned.

"God damn... That's fucking hot." He groaned. I bit my lip.

He inserted a finger, and I screamed. "LUKE!" I shouted, I heard Ashton ask Michael what the hell we were doing.

I heard the door close. "He's fingering her." Michael said. "She's enjoying it pretty much, and Luke looks like he got kinda excited toooooo."

Luke inserted another finger. Michael was right, I was enjoying this. I opened my eyes, to see Luke biting his lip.

"I'm SO getting you back!" I said. Luke laughed and pumped faster.

"LUKE! OH FUCK!" I screamed. I heard Luke moan. He liked it when I screamed his name. I was so close.

"L-Luke.. I'm close." I said. Luke entered another finger and went way faster. That sent me over.

"HOLY FUCK LUKE! OH MY GOD!" I screamed, as I rode out my high.

When I was done, Luke slid his fingers out. "I'm gonna go get in the shower!" Luke laughed and ran to his bathroom.

I layed there, in awe of what just happened. I got up and ran to my room.

"What the hell was happening up there?" Ashton followed me screaming. "Were you guys fucking?!"

"NO!" I screamed. He smiled.

"So he was fingering you?" Ashton asked. I slapped him.

"Leave me alone! What Luke and I do is NONE of your business." I said, and slammed my door in his face.

I grabbed my clothes as hopped into the shower in my room.

"Don't you ever go near my little sister again you scumbag." Ashton said to someone.

"Ashton that-"

"Shut up Calum! Luke, your never going to see my sister again. I'm sending her to my dad." Ashton said. My dad lives in America.

I got changed into some black shorts, and a nirvana shirt. I ran down stairs. "NO! I'm not going to dad, Im staying with Luke and I don't give a FUCK about what you think!" I said.

"This has nothing to do with you." Ashton said. I slapped him.

"It has EVERYTHING to do with me! Sending me away from the people I love, sending me TO DAD! The guy who abused and raped me?!" I screamed. Ashton didn't know that happened. Only my mom did.

"Y- You were raped?" Luke asked.

"During year ten." I said. "It doesn't matter now! Just shut up and leave me alone!" I said and ran to Luke's room.

I cried as I sat on his bed. Calum and Michael walked in. "Shh. Luke and Ashton are upset with themselves."

"Maybe a game of truth or dare later?" Calum asked? I nodded.

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