Chapt3--- Baby I Loved You First

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I woke up, in Luke's bed. I looked over and Luke wasn't there. I sighed with relief. I got up, and walked downstairs.

"Morning Princess." Ashton said.

"Hey Ash." I said. His eyes lit up. Usually I never say anything except hi.

"Is today a good day?" He asked.

"Well.. What are you making?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing were going out to eat in about half hour." He said.

I kissed his cheek and walked away. "Luke, She's extremely content today. It's kinda weird, but I'm loving it." I heard Ashton say.

"Well, Im just hoping it had nothing to do with that Drake kid. I really like Jasmine and I don't want anything to happen to her." I heard Luke say. He was worried about me? He likes me?

I took a quick shower. I washed my long, brown hair. I dried my body off, and changed into a cute pair of black skinny jeans. I tucked in a black nirvana shirt into the jeans.

I winged my eyeliner, and I made my eyelashes big and bold. They complimented my green eyes. I put on a light pink lipstick, and put in my pink jewel nose ring.

I put my black glasses on. I put on my neon green skinny jeans. I had kind if a hipster punk look going.

I walked downstairs and heard Luke talking. "Hey Hemmings!" I said. I haven't called him that since before I met Drake.

"What? Me?" He asked. I nodded. "Hey Irwin." He smiled.

"I realized how different I became, after I met Drake.. I liked myself better before I met him. If I change one thing in my life.. It would be him. Then I wouldn't have become suicidal." I finished. Ashton looked at me.

"How many times have you almost did it?" He asked. I knew what he meant.

He wants to know how many times Ive tried to commit suicide. "More than you believe." I said. I hugged him.

"Can I still go on tour?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said.

I switched the hug from Ashton, and engulfed Luke into a bear hug. "Thanks for being there Hemmo." I said. He kissed my cheek.

"Any time, Jazzy." Luke said.

"We're all kinda bringing girlfriends..." Ashton said, as Ashton's girlfriend Melanie came in. Michael and Suzanna, Calum and Haley.

"Oh." I said.

"Wait, Jasmine! Do you maybe, want to go, as my... Uhh." Luke began.

"Your date?" I asked.

"Yeah! If you want to, I mean... Not as my girlfriend because we aren't dating but I mean we can go together like a date-" I cut him off. I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Yes." I said. I took his hand. He smiled. He lifted my hand and kissed it. I blushed hardcore again.

"Are those roses on Jasmines cheeks? Oh no.." Michael began. "It's her blushing." Everyone laughed. I giggled. We walked out of the house, and we walked to a diner.

I was right besides Luke. We walked into the diner, and I saw Drake and the girl he was cheating on me with.

"Stop." Luke said. "Stop looking at him." Luke squeezed my hand a little.

"But he said he loved me." I whispered. Luke shook his head. I turned and our eyes met.

"Baby I loved you first." Luke said. Ashton smiled at me. I have Luke a soft, gentle kiss.

"Lets go eat." He said.

Thirty minutes later, Drake came to the table. "Hey babe." He said to me.

"What did you just say?" Luke asked.

"I am over here, to tell my girlfriend I love her." Drake said. "Babe I forgive you. You were completely out of line.. Because you were high. I understand!" Drake said.

"She has a boyfriend." Calum exclaimed. He also lied.

"What?! Your cheating on me? With who!?" Drake raised a fist.

Luke stood up. "Me." He said. "And your not dating her. I am." Luke lied. "Leave, prick." Luke spat.

Drake left, and I looked at Calum, giving him him a death glare. "Luke... We're not dating." I said.

"I know, but I just wanted him-" I cut Luke off.

"I know.. But now he thinks were dating, and he's gonna hurt you. You should have his kept your mouth shut, or just went here alone." I said. I got up.

I walked out of the restaurant. Suzanna followed me. "What was that?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I don't want him to hurt Luke." I said. "Please understand!" I said. She nodded. She engulfed me in a hug.

"I do understand baby. But you do owe him an apology. He deserves to know why you left." She walked back into the restaurant. I sat on the bench and cried. I sobbed and sobbed.

"Jasmine... We're leaving. Just me and you." Luke said. I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"I'll explain later." I said. He nodded.

I promise.

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