Chapt16--- Smile

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I haven't talked to anyone for three days. I have avoided all of the guys. If any of them needed my help I would just text them what I would say. I was ashamed of what I had tried.

They are just such happy guys, and I let my sorrow get the best of me.

"Jasmine?" Luke asked. I looked up at him. Okay, this has gone on for far too long. He looks weak and sad.

"Y-yeah?" I asked softly. I don think he heard me. His beautiful smile didn't appear. I haven't seen it it four days.

"I just wanted to say, Im sorry I was so rude to your brother. A-Ashton won't speak to me. I just wanted to say that Im sorry for everything. The interview, the show, that whole day!" He said. He hasn't made eye contact with me once.

I tried to speak but nothing could come out. I nodded and hugged him. I kissed his cheek to show that I still love him and always will.

I walked downstairs. "Luke, did she talk to you?" Calum asked him.

"N-No!" Luke said, he started to cry.

I wiped his tear away.

I looked back and saw Michael eating my food. "HEY!" I screamed. "Back off of my food or I'll cut your genitals of while your sleeping and feed it to a shark." I said seriously.

"That would hu- She spoke!" Michael said surprised.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I-I didn't mean to." I said and ran to my room.

I closed my door. "She's not gonna speak again, Luke."

"Who cares? I heard her beautiful voice once! That's not enough for me to be happy!" Luke said.

He ran into my room. He picked me up an spun me around several times. "STOP!" I said.

He slowed down. "Only if you promise you'll continue speaking!" He said.

"Do I really make you happy?" I asked. He looked into my eyes.

"No. You make me ecstatic." Luke said. I smiled.

"Fine. I'll speak." I said. His smile still didn't show. "We're going on a date. I'm taking you." I said.

"Were?" He asked.

"Just dress the way you normally do!" I said and pushed him out of my room.

I got into my red leggings, my black combat boots, my 5 Seconds Of Summer shirt, and a black beanie.

I was already satisfied with my makeup but my eyeliner wasn't good. I flicked the wing and added two dots at the end to make it look better. I used my red lipstick, knowing that when I kiss Luke it will imprint my lips onto his. He will get slightly pissed though.

I ran downstairs, and ran straight into Luke, sending me backwards. I tripped over one of Ashton's drumsticks. "Dammit Luke!" I laughed.

Still no smile. "Here." He said, holding out a hand. I shook my head and got up. He scoffed. I glared at him.

I walked out of the house and Luke followed. "Where are we going?" He asked. I smirked.

"Somewhere! Now.. Everything is on me." I said Luke shook his head.

"No! I can't let that happen." He said, slightly smiling. It went away as soon as it came.

"Too bad." I said. I covered his eyes as we walked further.

Ten minutes later, we showed up at a GoKart place. "NO! This is too expensive for you!" Luke said. I scoffed.

"Please. Your forgetting my brother is THE Ashton Irwin!" I said as we laughed. We walked around a bit and decided we would go around three times.

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