Chapt8--- Home

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It was winter now. I finished school, but the guys come home tomorrow. I was extremely tired and cold. I went into Luke's room and took my shirt off. I put on his white shirt with a yellow smiley on it. My black shorts were making me colder.

I flopped onto his bed. I curled up into his covers and fell into a deep slumber.


We lied to Jasmine when we were coming home. We told her we were gonna be home tomorrow, but we came home today. We walked into the house. "Jasmine!" Ashton called.

"Jaz?" I asked.

"Where is she?" Michael asked.

"Check the rooms!" Calum said.

We all ran through the house. I went to my room. I opened the door and there she was. Sleeping in my bed.

"I found her guys." I said. Ashton looked into my room.

"Go cuddle her." He said.

"No, were not dating and she probably has a boyfriend." I said, feeling my heart tear a bit.

"She doesn't..." Ashton trailed his voice and walked away.

I took my shoes off and curled up next to her. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her cheek. She stirred. "Who?" She asked. She turned around.

"Luke?" She asked. "I thought you didn't come home until tomorrow?" She asked. I buried my face in her neck.

"I'll explain later.. Just go back to sleep baby." I whispered. She cuddled up closer to me.

We both fell asleep.

Princess// Luke Hemmings FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now