Chapt9--- The Cuts

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I woke up before Jasmine. I saw her beautiful face. She had the least amount of makeup Ive ever seen on her and she looked amazing. I noticed she had her glasses on, which I haven't seen in months.

I also saw her wrists. She wasn't wearing her bracelets like she always did. There were some cuts here and there. She did it because of something.

I heard her stir. I got up and ran. "Guys, she saw me last night, I told her to go back to sleep. She's waking up again." I said quickly.

"No, Suzanna. They said they would be home today! I had a crazy dream about Luke. He was here, and told me to go to sleep." She said on the phone. "I miss them so much. Yeah I still absolutely fucking love Luke to death. But I need to get those bracelets back now before they get home. I can't let them see!" She said.

She walked out of my room. She looked at us. "Gotta go." Jasmine hung up the phone.

"Jasmine, that wasn't a dream. I was in there last night." I chuckled. She burst into tears. She threw her arms around me.

"Luke!" She cried into my shirt. I missed her so much.


I walked out of Luke's room. "Gotta go." I said staring at the guys.

"Jasmine, that wasn't a dream. I was in there last night." Luke laughed. Did they hear what I said? Did he see my cuts?

I missed them. I just broke out in tears. I engulfed Luke in a gigantic hug. "Luke!" I cried. His hands around my waist got a bit tighter.

"What did you mean? You can't let us see what?" Ashton asked me.

I broke away from Luke. I started to walk away. Ashton yanked on my wrist. "OW!" I screamed.

Ashton immediately let go. He noticed my cuts. I was crying in pain. Luke bent down to me. "Why?" He asked. He was crying too. I shrugged.

"I was being bullied over on twitter, and in school, because of my glasses, my weight, my smarts, my music skills, my everything." I started to cry.

"I'm so sorry we weren't here to help you." Michael said. I nodded.

"It's fine." I said. Calum shook his head.

"No it's not! We could have helped if we didn't leave you alone." Calum said.

"IT'S FINE!" I screamed. I shook my head, "No. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just in pain." I said.

"You wouldn't be if you didn't do this." Luke said.

"How about this... Tomorrow we can forget about this arguement. And we can pay a game of football (soccer)." Ashton spoke, knowing I wouldn't refuse.

"Yeah. We'll figure teams out tomorrow." I said. Luke smiled.

"I have a special jersey from a while ago..." I said. "I got it for my birthday." I said. I realized the guys weren't here for my 18th birthday.

"Oh. Shit. Yeah, and after the game we will go do a late celebration. I promise sis." Ashton said.

I nodded and walked to Lukes room, Luke following. "I'm gonna go back to sleep." I said.

"Good idea. It's only 3 in the morning." Luke laughed. I pulled him down to the bed with me.

"I wanna cuddle." I whispered, tired. He smiled. He curled up next to me and I rested my head on his chest. I whispered something again and fell asleep.

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