Chapt28--- The Performance

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We took out seats for the VMA's. All I could think about was seeing Jasmine perform. I haven't seen her beautiful face or heard her beautiful voice.

About and hour into the show, Kanye West came out. "Now, our next performance is beautiful and amazing. The singer does not like to show her face to cameras during the shows. The singer also has along... Ashton Irwin's younger sister Jasmine Irwin filling for Maddy Ziegler! Here is Sia, with Chandelier!" Kanye yelled.

Us four guys went wild.

The song began, and Jasmine was the center of attention. I could see her face perfectly. She was doing amazing, Ive never seen her dance before.

"She's doing amazing." I said to Ashton.

"Fifteen years of dance classes got her to the VMA's." Ashton sighed.

The song ended, and us guys were escorted to backstage. I saw Jasmine. "Jasmine!" I screamed.

People in suits crowded around her. "Back up!" A woman screamed.

"Good day, Ms. Irwin! I would like to offer you a dance career. I have the contract, and it's a twenty year signing." A woman said.

Jasmine didn't notice us. "Yeah. I'd totally leave everything behind." She said. "I'm sorry but I can't accept that." She said simply.

"How about a five year?"


"One year?"

"No! I already have a career!" She said.

"Being your brothers bands' little maid? They are USING you!" The woman screamed.

"They are NOT! I love every SINGLE one of them! I would rather die than leave them just so I can go do dance!" Jasmine spat.

"You'd rather stay with a band who's going to go back to their garage in a few years instead of fulfilling your dreams?" The woman asked.

"I already am living my dreams." Jasmine said. "It's not my dream to dance. It's my dream to make my brother and everyone in 5 Seconds of Summer the best they can be. And guess what? They're doing it." Jasmine said. "Now leave-"

"Nobody can offer you a better deal than me! I can make you a four threat! Dance, singing, modeling, acting!" The woman said. Jasmine smiled.

"No." Jasmine said. She saw me. "LUKE!" She screamed. She pushed the woman out of her way and leaped into my arms.

"I missed you." I said. "I'm really proud of you." I said.

"I missed you more." She cried into my neck.

"Is this that band?" The woman asked. "Who is her LEGAL guardian?"

"I am?" Ashton said.

"I want to take Jasmine on a dance career." The woman said.

"She'll do it!" Ashton said excitedly.

"No I WON'T!" Jasmine screamed. "I ALREADY TOLD YOU DANCE ISN'T WHAT I WANT TO DO!" She roared.

"Jasmine? What?" Ashton asked.

"I'm already living my dreams. My dreams are at the heart of this band. I mean.. A few dance shows here and there couldn't hurt. But Im staying with this band." Jasmine said to Ashton. He nodded.

"She's staying with us." Ashton said.

"Wait! Give me the contract." Jasmine said.

The woman smiled. "I knew you'd come around." Jasmine smiled.

"Oh yeah.. I came to my senses for sure!" Jasmine laughed.

Jasmine printed on every line. "Here you go!" She said.

"This isn't a signature! This says GO HAVE SOME CUPCAKES!" The woman screamed.

"I know." Jasmine said. Jasmine picked two cupcakes up. She smushed one on the woman's forehead, and the other on her nose and mouth.

"Good day!" Jasmine giggled.

The woman left with sprinkles on her face and we all died laughter.

"5SOS? Time to go." Security said. I kissed Jasmines cheek and we walked with her.

I have a huge plan for tonight.

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